
It's nice to see a featured workspace that looks like someone actually does work in.

@marness: If you're in the same place for 8 hours every night and you aren't going anywhere, why not stick it on a charger?

@Ayo: Agreed, watching it full screen there are a few tracking errors. Small, but enough to make it obviously fake.

There's an Alton Brown recipe I've been too lazy to try that might be good for people willing to wait a couple days.

You can leave the screen on for days and it won't shut down. I'd say that's pretty good battery life.

No, guys, it's okay, call off the backup, it appears we've trapped him in some sort of invisible box.

It emits a bright flash right before ascending in the first two videos, but not the close up one. Am I missing something?

@funstraw: The iPad 2 specs haven't been announced yet, so it would be pretty useless to include it on this "infographic" but the iPad is the current leader in Tablets so it would be stupid to leave it off entirely. They're damned if they do, damned if they don't.

@Lowell: Thats not strictly true, even with her hands restrained around her back, she still has a fair range of motion through her midsection which can aid in a pretty serious kick to another officer or cause the officer restraining her to lose full control. It's also probably better to restrain the person around

I think the overuse of slow motion here is making this seem a lot more severe than it is, and probably a disingenuous attempt by whoever edited the video to make it seem worse than it was.

@Software_Goddess: That was the first thing that came to mind. I need to do some DVD shopping.

Can I ask a question? Will there be a day where Rihanna does something and it isn't instantly connected with the whole Chris Brown thing? Every time I read an article about her or one that even references her, there's always this Chris Brown angle. What he did to her was beyond awful and disgusting, but I think it

I never finished the first Half-Life, got bored wandering around Xen and started playing TFC instead... but I told everyone I finished it, or rather, never admitted I hadn't (I was on a lot of HL/mod forums back then).

@reynwrap582: Turns out Crashplan offers exactly this service.

@arahman56: I think he's saying that if you need to restore your data, you either have 30 days to download all of it, or you can order the data copied onto hard drives and sent to you? So it's basically $200 for every 150GB of data, and the data is randomly selected, not necessarily what you want...

This might be the best place to ask right now:

@Morwynn: +1 I wish I'd read your response before I went on my little ranting and raving session.

I'm sorry, I get the sentiment but this article just reads like it was written by a "nice guy" who ends up managing to stumble into the usual traps... Sexy women can't be self-respecting. Beautiful women are secretly ugly, oh except all women are complex, oh except I judged her as a 2 because she opened her mouth and

@Wolfabeast: I'm hoping for a pantsuit update!

@LolaSocks: My grandmother was an English teacher, and I'm still traumatized enough by the time I accidentally wore my baseball hat in her house...and she didn't even do or say anything beyond giving me a look! If she had been SecState I would have walked back outside and slept on the lawn in the fetal position.