
I don't exactly see why this is necessary with email. I can understand not answering your phone because it requires immediate response, but the beauty of email is that it's not immediate, it doesn't have to be read or responded to as soon as it arrives in your inbox (it's not like a ringing phone), and it seems

Sucks that it happened, but having GPS doesn't excuse you from using a little common sense, doing a little research ahead of time to have at least a passing familiarity with the area in which you're traveling, or at the very least, turning around when you start noticing all the buildings, cars, and people previously

The big disappointment for me is the fact that I live in a place where I can only get 1.5Mbps DSL. I'd be willing to let the video build a nice big buffer before watching it so that I could get a better quality or even the HD version of the content, but as of yet the only option is to just deal with whatever video

I've been using MaxView for over a year now and it's unbeaten in its speed, especially for sorting through piles of CR2 or DNG files when I don't want to open Lightroom. I spent quite some time mussing about with a lot of different photo viewers before I found MaxView, and I'd recommend it over anything else out

I'm still waiting for the iphone version of Solidworks... Until then I'll have to rely on my laptop. Can't be long, can it?

@spartachick: Is it that you really don't like her as a person, or that you've bought the 2-decade-old media narrative that she's a cold, calculating, heartless woman who will do anything for power? Do you actually know her at all? Do you really believe "there is not ONE thing in her life" that she's done genuinely?

@CStogdill: I usually scan the applications and enter the text in boxes in InDesign or Photoshop, it's worked real well to disguise the fact that my handwriting is terrible and I hate writing too much by hand.

My wife and I got a really nice espresso machine for our wedding, so it's been a long time since I've really had a plain cup of coffee. However, when I was drinking regular coffee, I tossed my coffee maker and bought a nice french press. I'd never go back to drip coffee at that point.

@jupiterthunder: Not to mention, even if nobody takes advantage of your work there, very few publishers or agents will take on a manuscript that has been distributed on the internet like that, there's a small enough margin for them as it is, without the book being readily available to anyone who doesn't want to put

Will I someday be able to jailbreak my iphone not only out of the official updates, but out of the OS altogether and switch it over to Android? That'd certainly make me a happy boy.

Anti-Starbucks ranting in 3...2...1...

I've had issues with UniBlue software before, but I figured I'd give this a try.