Mike Johnson

I would say this wasn’t that egregious and I am interested in seeing it because it is so vertical. I really want to know what caused this. It does not show them smashing into it with gruesome details. News is always going to be nasty as hell but at least they did sensationalize it or anything. It is just straight up

Have you ever seen a photo of the WTC on fire? News is news and it’s not always pretty

So is this going to be a blanket policy going forward?  No bigots allowed in licensed sports games?  Who’s going to be left?

Does Freedom of speech mean nothing to us anymore? So she made her personal opinions on life public, so what? Has she killed a baby birthed through C-section? Has she stolen vaccines so those who want them can't have them? She has done nothing to harm others, why should her career be on the line for her personal

Seriously? So glad I don’t live in the USA where this kind of McCarthyism is going on. This much scrutiny for the host of a TV gameshow? Repeat: A TV game show not someone running for the presidency. No wonder America is so fractured. Wasting time on minutia such as this when there are larger issues at hand? Hilarious.

Jesus Christ, enough already with parsing every single word someone has said in their entire life and then “canceling” them afterwords........get a grip. So she’s a zionist, so is the effing US Government who cares, I’m quite sure the author of this article has said things in their life that would horrify someone if

I swear to god, you’d think they were looking to find the co-parent to your next child instead of the next host of Jeopardy. In my life I’ve learned to tolerate a whole lot of stupid. Keep Bialik for all I care. I may not want to hang with her on the weekends but she’d be perfectly fine as a host.

As much as I’d like

Who cares what her beliefs and ideals may or may not be? Hire her or don’t based on her ability to do the job, not on things she has said. #cancelcancelculture

You people make me want to puke...your judgement of others only shows the flaws in insecure to admit your own horrible past... SHE'S ENTITLED TO HER VIEWS...BACK be honest the one I like the best was Joe Buck...GO AHEAD... ATTACK ME...I DON'T CARE 

Wow, cancel culture run amok. Wait until we get everybody’s porn search history - or search history in general, or interview all their past friends. Is she a felon? Is she pushing - still pushing - products which hurt people or are demonstrably fake? I get the brain stuff, who knows - so many nutrients don’t get to

How dare she offend the thought police! She should be forced to wear a scarlet letter for all to see!

oh my god, she thinks differently cancel her

Love how people can't grow and change now it's like anything you did in your past will screw you. I stole a hand buzzer when I was 4 I feel like I'm about to go-to jail for it. 

Oh please! They’re trying to cancel everyone these days. Who’s next, Hank Hippopopalous? What, you’re gonna tell me that he’s problematic too?

Honestly, Alex himself made some questionable statements over the years. He was beloved so few people feel the need to drag up every terrible thought he ever voiced and present it in the worse possible light. 

It’s almost like she’s a human being and thus flawed and imperfect with views that don’t match and arbitrary, fluctuating standard of what is “correct” depending on who is judging her. 

I believe that people with views different than my own can have jobs. And I shouldn’t try to get people fired because of their thoughts and beliefs.

So when are the skeletons coming out of all the other hosts closets, including Levar. NO ONE IS PERFECT! We all have them. Suck it up people. She was chosen because she did a good job and the fans loved her. We need to stop living in the past and look towards the future. If something someone did in the past happens

Sooooo do you think this article is going to help matters or drive people away?

Lol, some little boy thing he’s a big boy in one of their comments, awww, you so special you incel dumb fuck, hope you choke on your impotent white rage.