Mike Johnson

This wouldn’t be so bad if not for the fact that many of these same people are the ones pushing the climate agenda so hard and pushing ideas like restricting air travel for global citizens because it is so bad on the environment. Really despicable people.

If it was an even playing field.. fine.. but the problem is that the dealers are complicit and or directly involved and also act as king-makers. Auto-makers advertise pricing which people rely on and in no way make it clear that dealers own the product and can charge what they want. In any other product this wouldn’t

Where is Jay Leno when you need him. 

Or maybe 60% of the Democrats who might have bought a Tesla found a brain cell and realized that EV’s are dumb and overpriced.

I recently had a debate with some family, but in the context of Ukraine. All land is conquered land. Whether you like it or not. All you have to do is go back in history to the time that you feel justified with to find your own personal righteous owner. So I’m sick of hearing about how this country did it maliciously

I can’t recall the last time I checked a bag and that includes multiple trips to Europe.  That said, surge pricing sucks and I won’t reward companies that charge it with my business.  That’s the only way to stop the trend. 

These games are rated M for mature, so kids shouldn’t be playing them. This is a parenting issue, and if you’re too busy to parent your kids maybe you should have considered that before bringing them into the world. STOP looking for the government and society to step in to all these things. Seriously.. when are we

The problem with society from a very young age is that we don’t treat kids with enough reality checks. That goes for parents and for their kids. It raises wusses that can’t handle even the basic level of fact based criticism. “Your weight is too high based on these science based indicatorsis not hate speech. That’s

The idea that you’re going to be able to virtue signal to artists and maintain an artificially inflated market for hand-drawn art is not sustainable. This technology is here to stay and will only get better. AI driven art is the future for mass consumption. Producers may need to decide if they are willing to forego

I’ve been a huge tubi fan for a while and for a while I’ve had this real fear that if too many people find out about it that it will be litigated out of existence.  On what grounds?  I don’t know, but I know that the big media will find a way if they can

Part of it is that they have an over inflated perspective of what it is worth to many people.

I see a lot of grumbling here in the comments. I just want to point out that grumbling isn’t going to change this. The only way to change this is to vote with your wallet and cancel subscriptions until they stop.

Can someone explain the correlation between the increase in existential problems in this country and the decline in religious affiliation?

I’m sorry but not every job deserves some huge salary. Honestly this type of work can be performed by someone without a high school diploma and 15/hour is absolutely fair. This isn’t and shouldn’t be the work of a sole breadwinner in a household. If it is, then something broke down someplace else because even with a

Regulation would be terrible because it would concentrate the benefits of AI in the government and a few rich and powerful people.

My personal recommendation is to make a family Microsoft account. You will have a family calendar (which you can get lots of places) but you can also download Onenote and have a family notebook that you can organize and fill with as much minutia as you’d like in all content forms

Just go look at how Ars handles it.  Do it that way

“I’m eager to fix that in the future with a comments policy that has zero tolerance for personal attacks, insults, and general hate-reading. Our community won’t be for those who visit for little reason other than to pick fights.”

This is horrific. But sincerely, I’m not sure why you think anything different would happen. Humans are terrible beings and sorry, but the only thing that will change them is to begin to see them and the world as it is.. not as we would hope and start punishing more severely when these things occur. It isn’t to change

Amusing that you blame Trump. All politicians do this, but at what point does Biden have to take responsibility? He’s been in office 2 years! If the Trump era policies were so bad why weren’t they reversed? If they were reasonable then why call out Trump? The lack of intellectual integrity and personal responsibility