Mike Johnson

You do realize that much of Latino community has asked that they not be referred to as latinx

Just another example of why corporations needs to stay out of political frays. Their role in social advocacy is to provide shareholders value in the form of profits. Their shareholders are then free to use those profits for their interests of choice. Anything else will offend someone and diminish their ability to

Sorry you feel this way. Some airlines have removed the ability to recline a seat. Other Airline execs have come out and reinforced the right to use the reclining button. If you are angry about reclining seats you should direct the anger to the airlines to either provide you with more space (they sell those kind of

This is a great point. Unfortunately most of the population wasn’t graced with innate perfection as you have been, and occasionally makes mistakes. It is a real hassle.   One of the great challenges humanity must work to solve. 

Pro Tip: Go with gmail..enable voice.. single number to give everyone.. configure voice on each device you want to get calls/text to..

Really.. this is as low as you can get in your book?

Not everyone in the world is sensitive or bothered by this.  I’m in the “not-bothered” catagory. 

Not here to argue with the science or the advice. Just to say that I have never not used spray oil on my non-stick pans (decades). When I’m done I wipe them out with a wet paper towel. I’ve never had an issue. I don’t know if it shortens the life of the pan. I’ve never kept track.. I’ve never said “damn.. this pan is

Perhaps this was a rogue planet and captured by the star system

I’m not sure why we need to continue to tip-toe around the idea that poverty fosters more crime. If we take for granted that we’re going to use predictive software, wouldn’t it be silly for it to not take socioeconomic status and poverty into account? Otherwise it wouldn’t be that good and people would be saying “look

I still don’t understand the thinking on these initiatives. LE needs to concentrate on infiltration and disruption of criminal groups. There will always be technology that enables criminal activity there are too many cats out of the bag already. We’re also too nice to people who get caught. For example, there is no

I love how we Americans have come up with this new trend of consuming vast amounts of time and energy destroying insignificant humans rather than working on actually solving the issues that plague us.

Occasionally people are randomly selected to go through PreCheck. That is what most likely happened to you. It’s nice when it happens and they obviously feel that you’re not a threat.

There will be no touch id because Apple has decided that you shouldn’t want it and that’s that.  You’ll comply and adjust.

Waiting for the day when people remember that being flawed is not a reason to destroy people.. it’s called being human.  Must be tough for all the perfect people out there.. and.. before you say it.. I know.. you’re flaws aren’t like HER flaws.

The taskbar thing pisses me off quite a bit. That’s been around since windows 95 and is the way I’ve been using windows since then. No reason to change this one. Just another example of someone claiming “innovation” while changing a long standing feature that doesn’t impact anyone and doesn’t need to be messed with.  

1. It’s articles like this that continue to drive a wedge between blacks and whites.

I’ve been saying that the problem with all this is that it is hinged on White people agreeing that they are racist, when they aren’t.  There are racists, but until blacks stop wholesale accusing whites of racism just because they live their lives and work on their own problems we will make no progress.  I’m sorry, but

The truth is ALWAYS in the middle.. that goes for your “truth” too. Keep calling every conservative a racist and you’ll keep getting the same results