You’ve just given me a terrific idea for my superhero career.
You’ve just given me a terrific idea for my superhero career.
Why are you assuming that someone who drives a truck is tougher?
This will end well.
I picture a Tesla hero that just drives around and drags trucks away for sport, leaving them in annoying places where the city will tow them, then goes home to charge in their garage.
Setting aside the racism thing, does that woman look even remotely threatening? She looks like the world’s friendliest librarian.
Oh yeah? Then why did she let the engine fall off?
I hope there is a hell
No. If it were as simple as that, it would just be the lesser evil. But this was torturing people to gain knowledge that could have been gained in better, if less expedient ways, which is a very significant evil.
If you’re willing to abandon the cause of equal rights and begin to deny people’s humanity and inalienable rights because someone hurt your fee-fees on the Internet, you were never a real ally anyway.
Yeah, I’m not boycotting Starbucks. Not yet, anyway.
Implicit bias has shown up gruesomely in the past few weeks in (white) reactions to the six black children killed by their two mothers. The responses of many white people have been to scramble for ways to elevate the “humanity” of Sarah and Jessica Hart and emphasize what “loving, selfless parents” they were.
I guess times have changed, them. Usually if you don’t buy anything, a shop will show you the door. Not sure if there was bias here, but it’s not unusual to get kicked out regardless of your race.
Good news Kanye, You are already 75% water. You are 3/4s the way there keep going and you can achieve it!
This is why car manufacturers don’t listen to internet commenters. ‘Oh it’s got everything I asked for except it’s got 1 tailpipe instead of two, ill get a used mazda 6 instead’
I call it “cosbyseed”
Wildest thing about all of this is that I don’t see a single person on a quad sans helmet. Clearly faked.
its not super obvious from the video, but if ukraine your neck, you can see their western features.
Took long enough. They obviously weren’t russian.
once Trump is out in ‘20.