
"I would even posit that it's a partial cause—sticking it to those arrogant liberals."

What a stupid dishonest comment.

You seriously underestimate the intelligence of Trump voters. There are plenty who know who John Oliver is and have watched him, and Jon Stewart, and Rachel Maddow etc. and are not fans of the smirking, patronizing, finger-pointing Left.

Hilarious episode. Could barely breathe during the real estate search bit. No windows in the lake house, except one to the bathroom! Good'N'Plenty light switch! Suzi goes for the makeout! Too much.
"What are you telling me, Mama", scene 577. Also good.
Will miss these reviews, as they provide a handy summation of a

Seems like the show has its groove back with Weird Al. He's a much better fit than Cudi. And the writing is back to earlier standards too. Yay.

Not a huge Wengert fan but his bit on this episode was drop-dead hilarious. I almost dropped dead from it. Almost-drop-dead hilarious.

Indeed. That was the most sustained episode. I also like the Andy Dick and Craig Robinson episodes a lot.

I love the podcast but the TV show sucks - unfunny, poorly paced, awkwardly and unconvincingly written and acted, self-serving… And Dave Anthony's character is repulsive without being funny at all.

I'm livin' a lie!

I was surprised when I first saw that show since I'd only seen Middleditch on stage tearing things up as an uber-cocky character. Oh well, at least he has range.

Haley Marie Norman is super-hot. Scott sure can pick 'em.

Funnier than average episode. Probably has something to do with Paul Rust co-writing, which he doesn't always do. The bit at the end of guided meditation ("I had to leave?" "Why?" "Because I just had to take off". "That was the answer I needed!") seemed like Rust's absurd humor. Funniest bit in the episode.

Kelly Marie Tran for the win.

"I know you all missed me too, especially since I haven’t gotten to talk about how subjective humor is in a while."
How subjective is humor? More than drama, more than music? I'd say it's about as subjective as most things that are not math or physics.

Two bad episodes in a row. Disappointing.

The Klan were known for making fun of East Asian proficiency at math. Especially during WWII.

Same here, didn't laugh once. That's especially disappointing since I felt the show was really coming into its own in the most recent episodes. I fear some shift has taken place in the mid-season interim.