
This is so sad. Why can’t we just focus on what we as humans have in common? Like how everyone - including the migrants - doesn’t want to live around too many brown people?

I wonder how many lives this CIA gayop is going to cost?

I’m beyond thrilled!

We’ll have the war soon enough.

Woah! Got ‘em!

This is such a fucking basic stupid response. You’re saying all it takes to turn these peaceful muslims into bloodthirsty terrorists is for a trip to Disneyland to get cancelled. I don’t think you’ve thought this through.

Or, if you really wanna make me squirm in my seat”

If only!

No noncitizen has a right to enter the U.S., so they aren’t taking anything away from him.

Have you ever been to any non-western country? Or outside of the U.S. at all?

Jaywalking doesn’t get you deported, you doofus. Committing crimes in a country where you don’t have citizenship does, all over the world. Go to Thailand and start committing crimes. See how that works out for you.

I didn’t say he deserved to die. He deserved to get deported. People in Iraq then let him die. Go take your outrage to them.

Hwoah, got me. I may never recover.

Yes. He was given due process in accordance with our laws. And then brown people let him die. Go take your outrage to them.

Walk me through the thought process where you get to determine for other people who they should talk to? These “just ignore” or “block and dismiss” is so fucking bizarre. Weirdo.

Yes, according to our pre-set societal rules, also called laws, he is more Iraqi. “But surely look at this guy” isn’t how you build stable predictable societies. Something about laws not men.

The only thing that makes anyone a citizen of anywhere is a “little bit of paperwork.” Act accordingly. 

OMG I know right! Can you believe the Iraqi state did that to him?

Nah, he was deported after due process because he was a habitual criminal while not being a citizen. He died because brown people don’t give a shit about other brown people.

And so begins yet another round of the American pastime, where all sides of the political spectrum await the identity of the shooters, so that everyone can argue that their identity had either everything or nothing to do with the shooting, as applicable.