
Well no shit, nothing is made in America, because our ruling elites, both left and right, sold us out by gutting the middle class and outsourcing industry to a despotic Chinese regime, all the while “very serious people” with “very serious titles” gaslit the population about how this was worth it because trade and

So a Jewish professor calls a Jewish columnist a bedbug on Twitter, and we end up with a giant picture of Goebbels in the New York Times. What a time to be alive!

You do know that Stephens is Jewish, right?

If the first amendment means anything it means the right to demean public officials, you doofus. 

It’s not a “screw up”, it’s the signs of an obviously deteriorating mind. And he would be one more year older when he faces Trump. And he would lose. Which is what the Democratic establishment wants. Because they would rather Trump be president than someone who may say no to the banking or healthcare lobby, or, God

In a couple of decades when the demographic enrichment fully takes hold, we’re going to look back with nostalgia for the days when corrupt government officials actually got charged, faced trial, and were convicted for their corruption. We are living in the “those were the days.”

You can tell that this country runs on white supremacy by how many politicians are blatantly out there talking about “white people” and what is in “the white people’s interest”, and when challenged, they never ever hide and grovel about how non-racist they are. They don’t have to. Because this country runs on white

The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white…” is how they described it. And this settlement would still leave them tens of billions of dollars ahead of the game, much of which is I’m sure already in Switzerland or Israel. How we allow monetary fines for these horrific crimes is beyond me.

It’s like the first instinct is to cry antisemitism, but he can’t do that because of who Karpf is, so he just goes with “totalitarian regimes.”

Julian Assange is a journalist, who has been persecuted by the powerful people he’s exposed, and the “real serious journalists, including people on this platform, have cheered it on like raving spectators at the Coliseum.

Maybe you should look into FBI statistics - if he was white and she was black it would be hypothetical because those rapes don’t happen.

If he was white and she was black and this acquittal happened in a predominantly white town, cities would be on fire tomorrow and federal laws named after her would be passed.

Wanna take a guess what those nine women in Flint looked like?

“Struggling to flee” is a weird way to describe “being physically prevented from leaving.”

If that’s what you call it.

Man, I really hope that the richest, most privileged and over-represented ethnic group in the country can make it!

He was also for open borders, immigration amnesties, and every other way of flooding the labor market with cheap high and low skilled labor. Something which you all agree with him on, but you won’t mention because you refuse to admit to yourselves how the policies you support hurt the very people you claim to be

It still hurts, doesn’t it?

And then 400 years later the descendants of those slaves would be convinced to fight for their own displacement as America’s minority by millions of people who came to the country voluntarily.

Trump isn’t controlled by Russia. He’s controlled by Israel.