
She’s already in Israel.

And as plausible as the original Jews being enslaved in Egypt and then walking through the middle of a sea only to be given the rules to life by a burning bush.

Wait til you find out that there are people that mutilate healthy newborns because a burning bush once told one of them that a piece of shitty desert belonged to them and only them.

You think this is silly google what an Eruv is.

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Stephen Miller wants the same thing these migrants want - to live in a white country.

This is so fucking tired and stupid. Demographic change is what made California a one party state. Less white people, less people voting Republican.

Brown kids are scared of brown kids, which is why they come here. 

Not really all that weird. No one spies on us more than our beloved ally Israel. Or we just give them the data - the NSA has an agreement where they get access to everything the NSA collects, with the promise (lol) that they will not collect information on our political leaders.

Inspiration & Enterprise indeed.

Those are literally one in a million exceptions, which is why they get paid what they do.

Because money. And also likely a considerable amount of blackmail (see Epstein)

Yes, a burning tree told me that God has decided to give it all to Palestinians. So it is all Palestinian land because a burning tree is bigger than a burning bush. 

Between Iran and Israel, which one of them shot 10,000 people at their border last year, including women and children?

Oh yes, because what AIPAC says is definitely what they actually want. What are you, 6 years old? 

They can and will continue to do whatever they want for the same reason we keep giving them welfare - the US is a client state of Israel. 

Let me guess - Hoyer is an Israel shill because he also wants to suck up to the evangelical vote? Is that how that works? Or do we find another excuse for him so that we can keep ignoring the elephant in the room?

According to the AJC, a majority of American Jews support Isreal, even last year when it was blatantly killing people on the border. Also, GTFO with the whole “because of evangelicals” bullshit. They are just a cover so that zionist mega donors like Adelson and Saban can get done what they want to get done. 

Good news for you is that he doesn’t. Butt goy Drumpf just provided cover for Isreal to do what it was going to do anyway, so that morons like you won’t have to think critically about which country controls which.

LOL - “listen I hate Drumpf, but you know, gotta do that 20 and get that pension, so what can I do until next year?” Loser.