
My son’s 12-year-old team came up with that play before their summer travel season. They were in love with the whole notion of the play since 12 year olds are fascinated anything that seems to be sneaky and kinda wrong (but not too wrong; these were straight-laced suburban kids, after all).

Hey, I agree it’s a tricky subject. Crunch is an issue we write about a lot at Kotaku and one that we care a lot about. As the writer here who most frequently covers Fortnite’s changes and updates, I find myself thinking about the human cost of the blistering pace of the game’s changes more than I used to. The way I

This is humble brag bullshit.  You’re shopping for a fucking Dodge and you want us to think you’re too good for off the rack?

You say all that shit, like you want us to think you REALLY do your research, but you are willing to overpay for wheels you can barely stomach instead of buying aftermarket ones? Also, you are buying a dodge durango?

You don’t get it.

The Giants traded Odel Beckham Jr. to the Browns for a first round pick, a third round pick and Jabril Peppers.

Meet me in Temecula

I’m awful with all dialects. Apologies. 

As a Chicagoan, I’m reading that as more of a northwoods accent. Maybe it's the "eh."

I came here to post "At least two ppl actually met in Temecula"

What would be the crime? Nothing about this should be (or presumably is, even adjusting for Texas) illegal. 

What’s the crime here? Wearing a speedo isn’t illegal.

I firmly believe that if motorcycles were invented now, rather than over 100 years ago, there would be no way in hell that they'd be legal on the road.

Good idea about easing up on the safety regulations, but insurance would go through the roof, even for people with perfect driving records, because (theoretically, anyway) there would be a lot more medical bills as crashes would be more severe even if there weren’t more than there are now

Out of pure curiosity, how much cheaper would cars be if we told the NHTSA to fuck off and let manufacturers sell cars with 0-star crash ratings?

I also am a fan of your comments, but I feel that creating a burner to commend yourself was unnecessary.

I truly hope that I did no offense. I know that affect/effect trips up a lot of people. As I wrote it, I knew (or at least believed) that no matter how I worded it, I would come across as a dick. 

lol Sorta!

It seems like you ran into a bug where you ran out of grammatical memory. 😂