Tron's Bonds

It was, as I recall.

I muttered the same two words at that myself.

Yeah, that was pretty great.

He's ossified.

He's ossified.

Hey now, the term was considered high-class enough to be associated with a hard-fighting much-beloved American Civil War General.

Yeah, but America has those fucked up restaurant/delivery "wages" that are basically nothing, where people literally live off their tips.

Never underestimate the limitless capacity for pointless cruelty to be found in the hearts of those entrusted with the supervision of those deemed "lesser" by society for one reason or another.

Honestly, I always got the impression that Chuck was more like an Uncle to Howard than a best friend. That Chuck and The Other Hamlin founded the firm, with Howard likely growing up with Chuck as a friend of the family/his father, then eventually finding himself technically, but not really, Chuck's professional "peer".

Between Stasers and who knows what else (off the top of my head), the Time Lords were hands-down the best at killing Time Lords whenever they felt like killing Time Lords, without any of that "Regeneration" jazz being permitted. The fact that the Veil could do so was a pretty good clue that they were involved somehow.

I've watched Heaven Sent at least ten times since it first aired, three times in 24 hours when it first came out.

Which Jesse only assumed because Walt has manipulated him, and lied to so many other people, so often.

Wait…Gretchen Black married Elliot Schwartz?

More 'Because reviewer is a University professor' than anything, I would assume. I mean, I'm a girl, and I knew that was an M-60 (mostly because I saw the 7.62mm on the ammo boxes).

More 'Because reviewer is a University professor' than anything, I would assume. I mean, I'm a girl, and I knew that was an M-60 (mostly because I saw the 7.62mm on the ammo boxes).


Likewise. That was a great catch.

To anyone who's watching the series for the first time, and reading these reviews/comments as they do, or simply checking them at any point before you've finished the entire series: