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In addition Mike Ryan also drove the truck that jumped over a Renault F1 car 4-ish years ago.

Movable rear wing elements are F1 tech? The Chaparral 2E would like to have a word with you.

The new schedule looks awesome from a “keeping crews energized” standpoint. The weekends on either side of Easter are close to home for minimal travel time, three weeks in May (Martinsville, All-Star, Coke 600) are close to or at home, two weekends off at the end of July / beginning of August, and the first three

Martinez didn’t throw a punch, Calvo started beating his nose into Martinez’ fists, just like Bobby Allison.

Came to the comments hoping someone said this, thank you for posting it.

Monster trucks do it all the time.

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Supervan was a thing 50 years ago, such an amazing beast.

Acronyms that actually fit the Miata:

Next, I found a 1984 AMC Eagle wagon swapped on top of a ’70s Jeep Wagoneer frame, outfitted with the Wagoneer’s powertrain and drivetrain

This has nothing to do with other airports, many of which have nice bathrooms (IAH, for example). This is people in complete shock that LaGuardia has something adequate, one nice thing in the entire airport.

The point of all this, according to SGC, is to make a street-legal SUV that can tackle something huge and daunting like the Baja 1000 and then drive home comfortably afterwards.

Simple list, two things:

Normal race tracks don’t have trees and/or cliffs, you guys that do it are more brave than the rest of us.

Working in Motorsports has been my life for the last 13 years. Our crew is a family away from home, everyone is from different parts of the country yet every weekend feels like homecoming. Meeting so many drivers and their crew, being on a first-name basis and having several drivers’ phone numbers is really special,

Had no idea Eddie Hill ran in Fastmasters. Also great hearing Gary Lee’s voice again, he’s thoroughly missed.

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Knew from the get-go it was an Antti Kalhola video, he has put out loads of amazing content over the years. This F1 video gives me shivers every time I watch it.

Taking a guess that the port was Rotterdam?