
Not really, they’re far from optimized for autocross. They’d get smoked by A-Mods, especially the ACME A-Mod seen below.

Develop a proper aero package and you’d have a pretty sweet trackday killer.

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I so hope Hyperdrive is a reboot of Full Metal Challenge, because nostalgia for early-2000s TLC programming of FMC / Junkyard Wars / Robotica / etc. is strong in this one.

More like 50, because a decent drag strip has a shutdown of a half mile, which makes each complete pass a 1.5 mile roundtrip.

Only possible because Alcohol/Methanol burns cooler and by running a bit rich pulls heat out of the cylinder walls as well. Pretty much magic.

Awesome! Been rooting for Danny since this was featured in Hot Rod a few years ago, so happy to see he accomplished his goals.

Ah Pig-N-Ford, seems to make the rounds on here every couple years. Made a Top 10 list a couple years ago when those were still a thing as well.

Saw the car on Grassroots Motorsports years ago, sometime between updates was when he swapped from the V12 to the V8 then again to the Ecotec.

There’s a quote in Brock Yate’s Cannonball! book that really sums up why you shouldn’t do this. I don’t have the quote in front of me, but to paraphrase

That’s not ‘Merican colored, this is ‘Merica colored.

Agreed, I’m pretty sure that’s what is meant by “underwear”, as in “clothing layer worn under the fire suit proper.

Met Terry a couple years ago, good guy and excellent wheelman. Props to him for the clean run.

The turn 7-8-9 complex actually would take away a passing zone and turn it into more of an F1-parade than anything. Low-speed corners in succession do not create passing zones, just look at turns 5 though 14 at Bahrain in 2010, drivers complained about it being “Mickey Mouse” and very single-file.

...What? Illinois is definitely NOT in the northeast, we’re solidly in the MidWest thankyouverymuch.

My Rambler had amazingly light power steering with a similar steering wheel, to this day it’s my favorite steering car I’ve ever driven, so silky smooth and could steer with one finger.

Most unrestricted? Maybe in engines, the chassis/unibody verbatim from the rulebook “must remain unmodified between ... the original forward most and rear ward most suspension point or subframe mounting point” and also “between ... the original floorpan at the lowest horizontal plane to the roof at its highest

Rallycross and motorcycle Speedway would like to have a word with you.

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Let’s be honest, the only real answer is Dijon-Prenois.

I went from a 1969 AMC Rambler with no windshield wipers, no cruise control, crank windows, radio delete plate instead of any form of radio, and power steering to a 2013 Ford Focus with front and rear wipers, cruise control, heat and air conditioning, power windows, power steering, and full radio with Bluetooth.

...What is a “swill” hillcliimb?