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They should have pick someone who, y’know, actually races off-road. Like BJ Baldwin, he’s a nice guy and drives very well.

I’ma let you finish, but Larry Chen is the greatest automotive photographer of all time.

The Alouettes (7 Grey Cups) and Canadiens (24 Stanley Cups) disagree with you.

The fact they were done in the Tamiya model box style is the most pleasing part, Tamiya really should meet up with this guy and do a limited production run of these models, it’s just too cool.

Fun fact, the garage they work on various race cars in is located across the street at the Honda test facility.

They totally based that on a truck ran in Monsterrace over in Sweden.

There’s no frowning here, I love mega trucks, they just aren’t monster trucks. Different intended use means their chassis’ are built differently, different axles, drivetrain, tires, stuff like that. Kinda like how a short course Pro-2 is built different from a desert Trophy/Trick Truck, same general idea but different

Not a monster truck nor is it built from an old monster truck, it’s a dedicated mud/mega truck.

Sorry folks, road’s closed, moose out front should’ve told ya.

This was in Toronto, not Possum Lake. Good effort though.

Torque isn’t important, what’s important is the driving force you get from dividing torque at the wheels by tire radius. Do some more calculations to see if the available tire grip force is higher or lower than engine drive force to see if you are engine or tire limited, pick the lower value.

I didn’t post the ThrustSSC, Syscrush did.

Vehicle Dynamics equations use torque to find the available driving force, use wheel torque divided by tire radius to find driving force then subtract out all your losses (drag, rolling resistance, parasitic losses) to find how much force is available to drive the vehicle forward at that instant.

Power doesn’t matter, force does. Wheel-driven cars create a force through torque divided by tire radius, jet engines create force by their exhaust.

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Exclusive footage of Tesla’s post-QC work has been leaked.

Snow bogging on campus. Our college conveniently plowed the parking lot facing my dorm into one strip about three feet deep, ten feet wide, and 100-feet long. Being in the heartland of farming many pickup trucks were on-hand and with a crowd of fellow hooligans college students cheering them on many, many passes were


So what you’re really saying is you’re buying a cheap, orphaned PC car to run at 25 Hours of Thunderhill in 2018, right? Right?

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Lewis seemed to enjoy his drive ~6 years ago at the Glen in a Cup car, maybe he’s forgotten since then?