
As awesome as Mad Mike is, compared to other cars that Miata looks quite pedestrian. Its performance with Mike at the wheel, on the other hand, is quite mental.

Beat me to it, it’s been my wallpaper for a couple months.

Why not Texas Mile?

Thanks for sharing, I had a feeling it was nothing to do with the Grand Prix.

I don’t necessarily agree on Domestic vs. International flights being different, though I mostly fly by myself and don’t have little ones to take care of. The only change I make for International is adding a roller carry-on bag of clothes, my backpack is packed the same and now there’s two bags and my shoes on the

Only thing is why is the wall only before the tunnel and not after? Even if it’s for spectator purposes, why does it run well past Turn 8 along the harbor away from the race circuit? From the picture it runs quite a distance in the “wrong” direction for it to be related to the race.

Interesting, haven’t heard any of that in my ~30 times through security this year, we’ll see if ORD adopts any of that in the next couple weeks.

Neither ORD nor IAH had me pull anything out of my bag last week, though having one tablet, a 2-way radio headset, and Bluetooth over-ear headphones probably show up “nicer” than multiple tablets and a camera.

I used to pull by 7" tablet just from habit, but two years ago I was told by a security agent tablets can stay in bags, only laptops needed to be removed. Though that was also before Apple released their 11"/15"/whatever size massive tablets, not sure if those would need to be removed.

I’m only inconvenienced when people “need” four bins to contain all their crap that should go in their bags, but can’t because they need to wear their coat AND jacket up to the last possible second. I’ve had times where getting 30 people through the line took 45 minutes due to this crap, and other times when I’m in a

That’s neat, I want to read that now, thanks for sharing it.

That train from NYC to Madrid is going to have a couple snags in development.

I fly a lot for my job, these changes aren’t a problem at all. Food should never really be buried in bags, and in the past I used to pull my tablet from the bag until told it wasn’t necessary, to me these changes aren’t bad at all. If anything it’s very European-style, I had to pull food and electronics when leaving

It’s official, the P1 is now ruined thanks to the Nurburgring.

It’s weird seeing Deegan wearing Monster after he rep’d Rockstar and NOS for so long. That said, it’s super cool seeing him launch off what I’m assuming are his (slightly widened) freestyle motocross jumps, that leap at 1:34 is huge.

There’s a build thread for the Juggernaut on Race Dezert, check it out:

I wasn’t aware Charlotte added a couple turns to their road course, personally they look very “Mickey-Mouse” to borrow an F1 term. If there’s anything more boring than chicanes it’s three hairpins back-to-back-to back, should be interesting to see how Cup does around there.

Sorry to hear the news, condolences to his family, friends, and team members.