
I’ve found avoiding fans as much as possible is best for everyone’s health, regardless of who or what you are.

They didn’t penalize these guys either.

The driving school cars (what they were using) have rev limits, limits them to about 150-160mph.

At least the wheels are staying attached to the car.

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Luckily there’s in-car audio from the incident.

It’s good to hear he passed peacefully surrounded by his loved ones, condolences to his family and may the racing industry celebrate his life for time to come.

This is why (most) all sanctioning bodies require aluminum studs for supercharger attachment, they (along with burst plates) are the weak link if an engine backfires and the resulting failure is “cleaner” than if the manifold or other component blew into thousands of pieces.

Heard that on Jay & Dan a while ago, so classic.

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Ford’s had a thing for rapid forming for a while, their rapid sheetmetal former is pretty cool.

I never said it’s not a shame the car got hit, clearly it is. Rather no one was seriously injured, people are much harder to fix than fiberglass and metal.

I bet you’d change your mind if you actually did, I have many motorsports industry stories, enjoy karting, and have an appreciation for 60s vehicles with four wheel drum brakes.

Motz says the Corvette owner “Kept his composure... [he was] as calm as can be.... The crowd was more shocked than he was.”

I imagine his team was saying “go #1" in reference to qualifying and Shane misheard that as “you should go piss before climbing in the car.”

I believe so, they’ve balanced each option pretty well so there’s no reason to drop it.

So effectively get rid of Fuel classes and bump Top Alcohol to the top class?

They already run injected cars in Top Alcohol, which push 6,000hp and are a couple seconds slower. No way they could slow down TF/FC that much and still get the crowds.

Travelling is what kills it for me, I don’t have time to watch anything live and I’ve found the relatively short races of rallycross/speedway keep my attention much better than a multi-hour race.

Those are lumped into the “countless others” category, as I don’t have time to watch any of them.

No, Formula 1's gonna suck this year.

But if ISC or SMI can reduce expenses by dropping one race weekend at a track, why not do it? It’s business, if a track’s market doesn’t support two races then only hosting one race reduces expenses for the same crowd and income, and the second weekend is open to rent to a driving school which generates income.