
A BTCC car is about 225k GBP for car and engine. The P1 costs around 850k GBP.

Do it, BTCC is some of the closest racing out there, and the last couple years they’ve had 30-ish car fields, in my opinion it’s in the top three of touring car categories in the world.

Yeah, looks like the guy stamped it on the backside so that in every development it shows the numbers backwards.

Or atleast one, the wife could have Octomom’d all their kids.

Are you sure you weren’t LARP’ing Papers, Please?

Classic Over-The-Bars (OTB), looks like he grabbed too much front brake, and with the rear stepping out it threw his CG forward enough that it caused him to go OTB.

Um, LVMS is owned by SMI, not ISC.

Why don’t you go work at a NASCAR-level facility and see how “terrible” their emergency teams are first-hand?

A few things wrong with your comment:


Great article, the stories you hear in the industry are my favorite part about working in it. It’s really easy to be star-struck at first when meeting these well-known people, but after a little bit you realize they’re normal people and come to enjoy hanging out with them and hearing their stories about life on the

THey also ran the American A1GP team in its final season.

Reading articles all over about Button going to WEC I kept noticing that there was nothing concrete, everything was “he’s expected to announce retirement” but nothing really pointed to any truth in the saying. Personally I’m not getting my hopes up either way, when he decides what his future is he’ll tell everyone and

That makes sense.

If I’m reading that right, was RBR banking on VW developing an engine from scratch and it being the best engine ever?

I think the most correct answer is all Sonic songs are good, and some people have their personal preferences which are also good.

They’re both good songs.