
If you’re too stupid to know the difference between irony and sarcasm, you shouldn’t be attempting either.

You can’t display sarcasm without marking it so, besides irony and sarcasm aren’t the same.

Whatever I’m reading, it’s not done well.

it’s 2017. Sarcasm isn’t subtle anymore. You have to be explicit.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means

Ivanka’s DOTUS for the DOTARD

Irony and Sarcasm are two very different things. VERY different things. Not only that, your statement looked far more serious than sarcastic.

Dude are you new to the internet? Sarcasm doesn’t come through pure text without any voice inflection very well. You need to include some signifier, like :P or /s, so people know. You did that in your response but not in your original post. Of course that’s confusing. Think about it.

I don’t think that was irony...

The failure mode of “clever” is “asshole.” You failed at “clever.”

My genuine reaction every time I’m confronted with the fact Melania is FLOTUS:

It’s fine that you have to grind for nearly two days to unlock Luke Skywalker, the dude who Star Wars is largely about?

White people will go to extraordinary steps to blame black people for their crimes. Consider the case of Conrad Zdzierak.

That never seems to stop white dudes from getting jobs theyre horribly unqualified for though, Ive worked with or for enough of them to know

If he’s the sort of person who thinks Blackface is a way to throw off the cops in a bank robbery, which as you say he couldn’t even apply that well, I doubt he’s got any skills or education to put on a CV.

All that time applying bad makeup when he could have written a resume and applied for some jobs.

Intent and legality aside, claimed harm or no, I can’t think of anyone less qualified for and deserving of a moral leadership position than a fucking kiddie diddler. If you’re okay with kiddie diddling, even if its tenuously consensual or uncontested or whatever, I guess that’s on you.

Fuck off and die.

The real question here is are you protecting him because you also are a child predator?

Only a conservative defends perverts.