
And it was a hideously inappropriate thing to say about ANYONE, let alone a minor. It doesn’t matter if a person is closeted or wears a Lesbian Avenger tee shirt every day, public speculation about their sexuality is gross and wrong.

Can we get our own Jez articles on George Takei and Andrew Kreisberg? Like I don’t want to share the comments section with the A.V. Club.

He publicly said a closeted person was gay. Yes, he outed her.

Up into the 20th century, actresses were pretty much considered to be prostitutes or “loose women”. Apparently that mindset has not evolved, as we may like to think (or thought). Just like racism...both seem pretty well entrenched in ‘Merica.

It sucks that Anna Paquin even has to justify why she didn’t talk about the incident sooner. Not only was it not her story to tell (especially given the fact that it involved Ellen Page’s sexuality and she only recently came out) but also IT SHOULD NOT BE A WOMAN’S JOB TO POLICE THE VILE BEHAVIOR OF MEN IN THEIR

oh no

Starts without asking while person is unconscious. That is the bad part. The More You Know!

Seriously? In the 90s worked as an assistant at a major talent agency and was sexually harassed more days than not. For that privilege I made $375/wk-before taxes. For every actress pulling in a few million per film are hundreds of support people who make little. Pro bono legal aid is for them.

Don’t forget that a lot of people who work on a film are behind the scenes and don’t have the resources and can benefit from this.

Oh man, 1 post for $0.59!!!

This has bothered me all day. Why was Donald Trump wearing Hillary Clinton’s old suit in Vietnam? I mean clearly it worked for her. For him, the presidency he can’t quite pull it off.

“how it was intended to be played” in this context is utter bullshit. Is there an ideal experience? Sure, but that’s also probably with a 40 inch monitor which few have. It’s with an elaborate surround system, which few gamers have on their PCs. I would bet this PC snob probably didn’t even play it as it was

“How it was intended to be played” is a very malleable term that applies to a lot of games, and something I find just a little bit misleading. I’m not saying you’re entirely wrong, but it is also worth noting that being on a portable AT ALL is probably “not how it was intended to be played.”

I’ve been gaming for a very

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I’ll go eat worms SKEE BE DA BEE BAH 3-1-3 I hate my mom.

“My hair smells like jaundice.”

When Lindsey Graham admits he finds it “troubling,” then we’ll know that there is going to be a serious prayer session before confirming her.

You silly! He won’t have to break a tie. The Republicans are saying what they do right before they confirm anything: “Even Republican senators expressed concern....”

“I’m not a scientist, but in my personal capacity I have many questions that remain unanswered by current climate policy,” Hartnett White told Cardin.

There are, of course, credible differences of opinion among climate scientists. Some are Team Jacob, others Team Edward. Those credible differences of opinion are not about whether human beings are primarily responsible for the incredibly rapid changes in mean global temperature.

“I’m not a scientist”