
We are talking about the people Facebooking and Tweeting him being imbeciles. There is no Trumpcare. It is Obamacare. He is trolling these people into visiting the website, signing up, and seeing that the program isn’t the work of the devil like they have been propagandized too. But they all think it is this amazing

Actually in this case neither. You get what Kimmel was doing right?

This is gold, nothing tops letting imbeciles make imbeciles of themselves in public.

You should see some of the posts on the Gizmodo article about Chadwick Boseman’s explanation of his Black Panther accent, some master class whitemansplaining going down

You are incorrect. There is in fact a process for applying to be verified by Twitter.

Stephen Miller is smiling in that photo because he finally got to touch a girl.

Oh, Jeezus, this woman burns my buttons! What could she have possibly been getting that was worth what she did? Is she trying to get a job on Fox?

Guys, let this be a reminder of several things.


Gerrymandering was supposed to prevent a blue wave like this which is a good omen for 2018.

Which brings me to my next point. At what point will Republicans decide to stop appealing to an increasingly shrinking number of Americans and hoping they can just prevent enough of the other sorts of Americans from voting?

You mean this Donna Brazile, who appears to be taking a photo with David Clarke at Trump Tower or somewhere that looks equally garish?

You know what else is great? All these awesome things happened despite Donna Brazile’s fervent effort to make the Democratic Party look incompetent and nefarious.

Dems got something done. Congrats to all the winners. 2018...

Like picking up trash on the side of the highway in an orange jumpsuit, for example.

This was initially intended for the main Lifehacker site, but when we launched After Hours we thought it fit so well there it would be good for cross promotion. This post is pretty clinical in nature, and it's not intended to arouse anyone. While I can't say it's safe for any office, there's really nothing that

sex just feels like so much work. there's so much other stuff i could be doing instead of dedicating my time to coitus and all the rituals that go along with it. maybe it's just because i'm not big on intimacy and all the emotional stuff. i think i'm a robot.