
I am pretty sure after that I would be hosing blood off my vehicle instead of just scraping letters at that point.

Man I wish 4k were more prevalent.

If Amanada Seyfried was sucking my dick on a kayak in the ocean I would probably take a picture of it too.

Where is this at?? Are they just dumping this shit into the ocean??

I was thinking blood and puss at least. Thats kiddie shit.

You fake the mileage at the end of the month for your reports like everyone else that how!

You fake the mileage at the end of the month for your reports like everyone else that how!

I was biting a chicken finger while scrolling. Pun intended.

Driving gloves for non performance cars drive me crazy. You aren’t a precision driver, just let it go.

I don’t know about his, but mine was individual letters, not just one large sticker. I used like half a pint of Goo Gone. Not to mention I ruined that rag.

Agreed. I will take my .01 Cents back from my taxes and let him walk free.

10% of these nuts.

In Soviet Russia, hackers don’t get extradited.

Don’t you dare!

Just make prostitution legal. You are saving lives man.

Ask harder questions.

Don’t stress. They will smell the fear and pay you less.

Guy here, but I did a telephone interview, 2x in person interviews, and they came back with a number 10k under what was discussed. They didn’t want to pay me more then my manager (A job which they wanted me to take first) I told them to pound sand. I would have been considerably better at my job then my direct

If they do not say how much on a telephone interview, I will ask them to ballpark it at least so we both don’t waste time. I ask before the first interview is over a closer ballpark based on experience what I am looking for. Then meet in the middle somewhere.

Agreed, they just put one on my brand new jeep. It took me like 20 mins to get them off without ruining my paint.

Fuck credit scores, just live your life and buy things with cash.