
Here's what I think you are saying: racist homophobes should always hate black and gay people, and they don't need to actually talk to new black or gay people to hate them. Black and gay people have been around for years.

How about watch the movie and then comment again? You seem to think you are intelligent from the length of the post. I don't know you, but if you are intelligent, then you would actually go watch the movie on Netflix and review your comments. But my guess is you won't, because it's easier not to know and do what

you didn't see the movie. He didn't try to kill himself a month prior, that was planted stories by Love. But you should ignore the doctor who saw Kurt and trust Courtney on that and trust Courtney.

Funny, but you didn't see the movie.

Ignore, he hasn't seen the movie.

There's this movie you should see, and actually I think it's the movie this article is about, oddly enough. Anyway, the movie will address this comment, and I think most people feel it did a pretty good job explaining it, based on the user reviews.

Refuses to watch the movie, even tho it is on Netflix.

Didn't watch the movie, obviously.

Explained in the movie you refuse to see. You know, the movie you are commenting on repeatedly.

Obviously haven't seen the movie. Proven 100% to be false in the movie.

They had a prenup, and she was trying to do everything she could to get out of the prenup with her attorney.

You still didn't see the movie. And you may not have kids either, but that is just a guess. A guy who is fighting to get clean so he can get custody of his daughter in a divorce does not magically inject an impossible amount of heroine in his system, then after magically not dying, picks up a shotgun from an

And you didn't see the movie and have how many comments? I signed up legitimately today just because I was inspired by this movie after watching it on Netflix.

To be clear, you didn't see the movie, formulated your belief with no real facts to speak of, believe what you were told on the matter, and will not be swayed by anything.

I like rainbows and unicorns too! They make me feel happy. I also might be happier if I believed conspiracies cannot prevent perpetrators from getting caught.

1. Love is smarter than people thought (after you watch a few minutes of this movie, you'll see)

Again, calling someone a conspiracy theorist is now hate speech, so unless you are an ignorant homophobic racist, then please stop.

She doesn't need a paycheck because Kurt died before he could complete the divorce (with a prenup), so I think she's set.

Well, if you've seen the trailer, that solves it. Calling something sensationalism without watching it in today's times is like being a racist in the 60s. Everybody does it, so it's okay for people like remy. You're better than that.

That movie made me sleepy. This movie was more interesting. You should watch it.