The scene in Air Bud where Air Bud scores the slam dunk, preventing the orphanage from burning down.
The scene in Air Bud where Air Bud scores the slam dunk, preventing the orphanage from burning down.
"Best villain ever in a video game?" Blinky from Pac-Man would like to have a word with you.
I'm still holding out for Walter Jr: The Musical.
Oh, not including The Cleveland Show was a gimmick? Nice one, The A.V. Club! You really pulled the wool over this genuine account's eyes!
No mention of The Cleveland Show???
Michael Cera.
Cubert Farnsworth and Dwight Conrad.
I haven't decided whether or not I'm actually my avatar. Which will get me more downvotes?
What in the shit is a podcast?
30 Rock got really dark towards the end.
I look forward to seeing what his replacement, Shia Labeouf, is capable of.
Well, now he can step aside and make way for his natural successor, Stephen Colbert! Or, if he's busy with something, maybe John Oliver.
I hope we get a T-Dog cameo before the end of the first season!
If you can't masturbate to Frozen, you probably can't masturbate to anything.
Shia LeBeouf's music isn't as great as Billy Corgan's!
You mean this isn't a game about amputating Natalie Portman?
He's certainly no Billy Corgan or Shia LaBeouf, but I still think he's pretty great!
Sorry, I will fix it up accordingly:
Bill Cosby is playing Stephen Fry.