Umm, am I the only one who realizes the bit was satire about how simple it is to get a Women's Studies degree? This article is reminiscent of the right wingers that think Colbert Report is legit.
Umm, am I the only one who realizes the bit was satire about how simple it is to get a Women's Studies degree? This article is reminiscent of the right wingers that think Colbert Report is legit.
Maybe thats what you got from the article. But I read something entirely different. I mean the title is literally calling individual men assholes, because of their relationship agreements.
I live alone. I don't know how you live you life, but besides just cleaning as I go I don't spend much time on cleaning at all. Maybe one or two days per week of a couple hours actively cleaning around the house. Much less than any of my ex girlfriends. Sure on most days, my bed isn't made and there are clothes on the…
"and in most cases you would have to conclude that the guys are shirkin and the women are doing more than their fair share"
Well when we see that article on Jezebel maybe I'll feel like it's a balanced perspective.
OK, by your logic then lets also blame it on the wives who rely on their husbands to repair things. Because that is also perpetuating patriarchy for their own benefit.
Dude I don't know who you are arguing with. We agree on the gendered socialization premise, I said that earlier. My problem is blaming it on men instead of society. Which this article, and you btw, very clearly does.
But the stats about men fixing cars and doing yardwork can be erased because of your anecdotes?
Any Woman who won't fix things, is a child not a Woman.
Did you read this article? It's a giant stereotype cluster-fuck.
Hey guess what: men aren't assholes. And finding your bullshit ways to blame men for your hatred is pretty vile. So tired of these heteronormative, man-bashing, woman-affirming bullshit articles. Can you actually hire one smart male writer to talk about male perspectives? That would be so amazing, I would be ever so…
I think the "the anti-gay marriage folks" would say this is what the end of marriage they were talking about looks like. Straight people stop starting families.
Yep and yep. You just don't recognize the female counterpart as trolling because it's institutionalized by feminism. And because you aren't the target of their frustration.
Hmm, I think you should have a closer look at the "body-positivity" movement. It contains a lot of whinning about rejection. Definitely not a male only reaction.
Is it rape-by-deception then if someone hides that they are trans form a partner? How exactly do you legally prove this guy isn't Jewish?
The reason wasn't the diagnosis, it was her behavior. Just because people have a medical problem doesn't mean they should be allowed to be violent or destructive.
Does it change how you feel if she was hurting the child? What if she killed herself?
Seems like everyone in your life is dependent on/leaching off you. Or your are a self-righteous bitch. Definitely one of the two.