
In 2004, UW-Platteville, a Division III school, beat Drake, then a Division I-AA school. It happens.

My wife likes it!
She wants the "D"...

My suggestion would have slotted in at #5 nicely-

Radical SR8 RX
430HP 2.7L V8 (essentially two Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle engines merged into one)
680kg (1,500 lbs)
3.49 lbs/hp
632 HP/1000kg

In the world of statistics, he's what you call an "outlier"

Great example of what NOT to do by both Viper driver and camera car diver. Viper driver was extremely stupid with his/her maneuver and could have wrecked other drivers. Camera car driver then lost focus and slowed down to un unnecessary speed on a hot track to "applaud" the Viper driver.

Kid lived 20 amazing years. He was a dipshit for a moment. I wouldn't want my worst moment to define me. The kid was not a dipshit, only had a dipshit moment.

I admittedly was one of the "Zaprudering" at first. The initial media headlines did not help my already cloudy judgment. I still get heated, angry, and irrational about it now because, regardless of fault, a young man with great potential is dead. That could have been me 8 years ago.

4. Apparently not limited to just dirt tracks

Pick on a dead guy...Classy

This is very strange. Everyone has a GoPro or iPhone Mount these days.

Boiling Coffee = Hot Coffee
Hot Coffee ≠ Boiling Coffee
Hot Coffee ≠ Sex*

*Unless playing Grand Theft Auto

We all know what happened. We just don't know what was going on in Ward's head or Stewart's head. Ward can't tell us because he's dead. Stewart probably won't say anything for legal reasons. An overzealous pedestrian and an unexpectant driver tried to occupy the same space. Game over.

If it's violent enough to kill you, it's violent.

I hesitate to place blame on the deceased because they are not in a position to defend themselves or explain what was going through their head at the time. It feels bully-ish and wrong.

Agreed that he's an insensitive idiot. Can we also agree that Yeley probably will not be fined more than 5% of his annual salary or suspended for any races? There is not a culture of promoting safety at the highest levels of auto racing. Racing organizations are responsible for putting the kibosh on these types of

Let me preface this by saying that Ward's actions led directly to his demise. I won't knock on the kid because it's unfair to pick on someone who's not in a position to defend themselves anymore. I have a hard time believing that Stewart did any intentional harm. Ward didn't appear to be suicidal, but it was

JJ Yeley does, even after the Ward incident

Under yellow-flag caution conditions?

Umm, yes it is. Other cars, debris, waving flags from the flagstand. Racecar drivers are always scanning ahead for potential opportunities and dangers.