
Maybe magic is something that anyone can do, but it takes a dozen years of work for even the most exceptional individuals to come up with a single spell. Daruk was the only one to have a kid, so he was the only one able to pass his learned spell on to the following generations.

Perhaps it’s more that eventually, Miyamoto would have eventually found just how deep that rabbit hole goes, and since it’s a parody account, we don’t have to worry about that.

As everyone said, it releases later this year. Usually there’s ~5 months between when a game is completed and when it gets shipped, for marketing, manufacturing time, and shipping, etc.

I think the complaints are misguided, but I understand the sentiment. The outcome was fair to both sides, but I think the real issue is that so few of Team Ketchup’s matches actually contributed, so it feels like players were cheated out of their agency towards the splatfest. What needs to happen is they need to

Oh great, something new to be worried about... :/

I generally go for a handshake when meeting someone new. I’ve found women will frequently not meet my grip, as in, they’ll put their hand in mine, but any gripping is purely on my end. When that happens, it gives the sense that they aren’t comfortable gripping hands,

While I think the process is BS, isn’t that how SF games work? Release a new game, retuning physics, combos, and add a new mechanic or two, then rerelease every year or so with more characters, stapling “Super”, “Ultra”, or “Hyperbolic” onto the title.

I’ve got to agree, keeping the ol’ paper and eraser shavings. This is cool in that it’ll help get more people into D&D, those that initially find it daunting. However, my experience in substituting paper for screens is that players will inevitably get distracted doing something else, breaking the stream of their

I’m not convinced the characters played a big role in the numbers. I have 5 friends who did not play Splatoon, and haven’t really followed Splatoon 2, that I played the Splatfest with. When I told them they have to choose ice cream or cake, I got the question of “does pie count as cake?” but otherwise they

The thing is, everything TAS does is technically possible for a human to do, it just requires timing the likes of which devolves into luck. If a speedrunner tries enough, they’ll get the trick eventually, they just won’t be capable of performing the trick consistently. With categories of Human-Run and Machine-Run,

Ugh, people throw around the expression of developers being “lazy” way too often lately. That they didn’t give Max Brass a separate final boss isn’t lazy, as it requires effort outside the scope of what they were releasing. “Lazy” would be releasing Max Brass without implementing his signature gloves on other

Lawful Good is certainly a straightforward alignment, and that using it makes it easy to make the character boring. For the character’s reactions to become rote though, the setting must also be straightforward. Putting a lawful good character in a society where lawful good thrives will obviously fail to create

In ARMS, theoretically all you need to do to stop a grab is throw a punch between the two hands being thrown towards you. When throwing a jab, you can curve your punches left and right of a particular point. This point is more or less centered on your opponent, but locks to a degree when you throw a punch, unlocking

Were it only so simple. As a retelling, the story could contain elements of previous tellings. Just because Ganondorf was Gerudo in OoT doesn’t mean separate story doesn’t also have Ganondorf as a Gerudo.

That said, Nintendo already canonized the timelines in Hyrule Historia, so I don’t think the “retelling” theory

Ranked online requires beating level 4 GP. Party online you can jump right into. I don’t really get why people would want to play ranked before they’ve got a handle on the game, though.

Did Nintendo ever say they were planning Virtual Console for the Switch? You say they’re lying about never having planned it, but what I remember is people getting angry at Nintendo for not having anything to say about a Virtual Console on the Switch.

Because microphones take up space, and a large portion of the userbase would never even use it.

Well I guess haters gonna hate, but frankly his is the skin I’m most excited about getting! Whatever stereotypes are coming into play, I just know that if there is an Overwatch character I’d enjoy hanging out with in real life, it’s Lucio, and the new skin shouts at me the positive, friendly, and fun-loving attitude

I thought his was pretty impressive, all things considered. With the face, I think he look smore like something out of the original Star Fox, but I thought he nailed it from the shoulders down.

It’s not my intent to judge anyone on their spending or gaming practices, but aren’t those the same thing? “Strange” is when someone does not fall under a set of social norms.

Wait, like the the game’s story continues past Ending A? I got the impression that starting the game again would begin the story once more, but this time the story would go in a different direction. Like, the characters and world start again, just like a New Game, but at some point the game diverges from what you