
She who shoots with her hand has forgotten the face of her father.

I'm a bit conflicted by this.  On one hand, it does make things less interesting.  On the other hand, I've always found it strange that players can just walk into strangers' homes.

One thing I love in this game is that any time there’s something ridiculous, the localization team doubled down to the point of parody. Sena’s voice actress especially, with her exaggerated whine after taking the slightest fall damage. I think my favorite is a character named Nico late in the game. The character’s

Skipping down to the comments to talk about Obi-Wan’s lack of Vader-killing. It took a second for it to make sense to me, but here’s how it clicks.

Huh, I took the clans’ competition over the true “Sinnoh” a little bit differently. Mind you I’m not quite done with the game, so maybe it’ll straight up say “Arceus is Sinnoh” at some point. Anyway, I figured the term “Sinnoh” originally referred to the pair of them, given it came from the Celestica people before

How are you playing it?  I'm on a Series X, but the gamepass link brings you to the Xbox One version of the game by default.  Took me until I couldn't squad up with my buddies before I realized my mistake.

I get why people are so upset, given how close to the tournament schedule this has been canceled. I do wonder whose fault that is though, we don’t have the facts on when Nintendo actually contacted Riptide staff.  Riptide worded their cancellation as if this is all happening spur-of-the-moment, but who knows what’s

Playing devil’s advocate here, I wonder how long ago Nintendo’s lawyers actually contacted the Riptide staff. To do so two weeks before the tournament is scheduled seems strange. It could be that Riptide, not wanting to call off the Project+ tournament, waffled around for a way to have the tournament despite the legal

Honestly, I’m all for this. Is it an ideal way for people to learn about MLK Jr? Not at all, but in an era marked by a dearth of historical knowledge, where kids seem increasingly less aware of even the holocaust, I’ll happily take it.

When I saw the article headline, I nearly burst a blood vessel thinking Fortnite

It seems to me "the technology wasn't adequate" is just an industry way of saying "our prototype sucked" without placing emphasis on any person's failings.  Which is fair, sometimes things just don't come together, especially in such a soft science as game design.

I appreciate this, it gave me a hearty chuckle. 

I’d be more conflicted if this was a PR grab, but generally congressional testimony isn’t the best at catching public attention.  A PR grab would be an open letter on Twitter with the day’s hottest tags.

Wanna point out that Nintendo Switch Online is $20-a-year, not $20-a-month.

Arguably, Robinhood is protecting users from what is very clearly a bubble. GameStop’s stock prices are currently not representative of their market value, they’re being inflated by a fad. The bubble will inevitably burst and GameStop’s stock prices will plummet back to market value, it’s just a matter of when. Once

I encourage you to PLEASE write to him about this! I don’t think Pete’s lying, its just that nobody can speak to experiences that they don’t share unless they’re told about them. The fantasy you speak of perpetuates because white people don’t know what they don’t know, and they’re told that this is the case. Full

Does the concept of a “role model” not speak to racial equity as well? The original quote prefaces the talk about the need for role models with the statement, “Kids need to see evidence that education is going to work for them.” Maybe I’m taking a different meaning from “role model”, but I would think that if a kid

To me, the island being nothing but the dream of the Wind Fish works well because it’s not used as a big twist. You’re drip fed the odd feeling and hints that things aren’t quite right, and then when it’s revealed that the island is just a dream, it’s less a twist and more a confirmation. As an adult, it’s not mind

I don’t think Walmart is taking down the violent imagery for the sake of a cultural statement, they’re just trying to make people more comfortable entering the store. Right now, every news outlet is talking about the tragic shooting at Walmart, and so it’s on many people’s minds as they shop at Walmart. So, Walmart’s

Did none of these users try the recalibration feature in the Switch settings? It fixed my drifting joycons just fine.

Have you tried the recalibration feature in the system settings?  I've had drifting joycons for a month or so.  It wasn't so bad until I started playing Dragon Quest Builders 2.  The camera in that game isn't great as it is, so to have it shove itself to pointing straight up every minute is just awful.  Anyway, I