To be honest, the Little Leaguer who hit the homerun looked more like a ‘Big’ Leaguer. The difference in bulk and height between some of these kids is amazing.
To be honest, the Little Leaguer who hit the homerun looked more like a ‘Big’ Leaguer. The difference in bulk and height between some of these kids is amazing.
He’s like the anti-Bartolo Colon, except both are equally riveting at the plate.
That’s fucking surreal.
I wonder if the dudebros have ever met Israeli women who have served in their military. A couple of my friends did. I wouldn’t mess with them.
+1 sloe clap
Whose disgusting baseball gin is this?
As opposed to the “Chaplin filter” which involves straining your gin through a bowler hat.
If it makes you feel any better - women feel the same way about their own bodies. Between porn, women’s magazines, cosmetics ads, Disney princess stuff, etc., we’re trained from day one to be super-critical of our faces, bodies, hair, clothing, even our own sexual desires and interests. Remember when you see those…
Depends. I was surprised at how many guys look at porn. Not like once in a while, but all the non-stop ridiculous porn where reality just seems to be messed up. I think asking someone like that to maybe take it down a notch isn’t unreasonable.
It’s the same with your hang-up at how you lost your virginity. The obsession with virginity is another case of toxic masculinity fucking with your head.
Please, please, please let there be a written statement from Mayweather! Something in Crayola’s Easter palette, preferably.
I’ve always had a hard time with Cyborg. I wanted to like DC Comics’ bionic superhero but something’s always held me…
You can call me Ernest Poppins.
Hey look, someone completely unfamiliar with the Suicide Squad... Your opinion is worth 0 points for not being relevant.
Read a comic before posting trash comments.
So you’re completely unfamiliar with the Suicide Squad. Okay.
Read a comic or two kid, these ARE legitimate villains. Katana is the only “hero” in the gang.
Explain to me why they would have to be “legitimate villains” for it to make any kind of sense.
Are you gonna be okay?
Whoa! You've already seen the movie?! That's awesome! Send me a link so I can judge it too!