
If he hadn't, they'd have stormed the castle and killed everyone. It's a bunch of threats that we won't know if he'll be able to deliver, because, you know, they got in and no one got killed (except Blackfish, and that's offscreen lol).

It's full the angst of his father's untimely death and his struggle for self-identity, that's why.

have a banana

no, it's because of the tits and dragons.

But that was it. Logan was never just that for Veronica. She moved out of Neptune when it looks like they were going to get back together in Season 3 and never got in touch but she never deleted his mug and phone number. She transferred that shit, literally, phone after phone up to 9 years later. I mean. Come on.

Oh, I get what you're trying to say… like Kirk and Spock right? You know, the ship that invented the slash? Because there are *so many* non-heterosexual main pairings on film/tv.

I think that's fairly understandable, given You've Got Mail is more recent, but even that isn't on this list.

They also hired Sophia Boutella, a woman of color, and painted her as a white alien, so…

I dunno. I feel like that's just Chris Pine acting as Chris Pine.

I look at it this way: the JJ-verse of Star Trek is a pretty f'd up one:
- McCoy revives Kirk from the dead by using Khan's blood. What ethics?
- Spock had a relationship with his student and (arguably)in a bout of favoritism switched her assignment to the Enterprise. What integrity?
- Kirk calls Spock a derogatory term

Didn't know that Justin Lin was a Trek fan, but I know Simon is. I'm wary of the fact that according to previous news, the reason the script by Orci/Kurtzman wasn't approved was because it was too "Trek-y" and then after, Paramount hires a director popularly known for an action franchise. Even Simon said in an

Agreed. But for what it's worth, the alternate universe in the reboot justified the marked difference in nuKirk's attitude from Shatner's Kirk: his dad dies, his mom's never home, his brother runs away, stepdad issues. Do I like it? Honestly, no. It turned Kirk, as what you've said — a moral hero, a romantic — to a

I don't think the casting is wrong, so much as the characterization was botched up? The alternate universe created by Nero's interference didn't mess up anyone else's life as much as it did Kirk. He took the brunt of it, thus the recklessness and the devil-may-care attitude. But I do agree, I think it's just tbtb's

I just remembered, the one time in STID she insists on diplomacy, it ends up in open fire with the Klingons (if I remember correctly, which I may not, due to the amount of shrugging and not giving a sht anymore)

Exactly. Yes yes yes.

I think that's what you do with trailers, generally speaking. The thing is, you used to trust a Trek movie to have those philosophical bits even though they weren't included in the trailer precisely because that's the essence of Trek. Never saw it in the reboot. In an interview, JJ said Trek was too philosophical for

How about they stop making Uhura the whiny teary-eyed love interest and give her a separate plot line instead?

Did they ever do that in the reboot properly? I might have missed this. All I saw was one psychopath destroying Vulcan and another psychopath nuking Earth. And bonus Klingons.

Doubt it. Justin Lin and Pegg said from the get-go that they wanted to revive the banter between Spock and Bones from TOS.