
Who would want to live in NJ anyway? Hey, if you need a union thug to ‘fuel’ a car like that then they should just send those guys a check to stay home. Charge that tax to the dumb NJ residents who still live there.

Cool tech for sure but I bet the lawyers and Government will kill it (or at least try). I wonder about 4th amendment rights too. Since there is nobody there to consent for a search in case someone wanted to ship some dope from LA to NYC, or from Mexico to US

Just like suing an automaker over a defective airbag, eh? You would need at least $200K or more for the supply of expert witnesses, etc

sue everybody

And if you are at a bar in NYC when you summon the car in LA, wouldn’t that make you ‘in control’ of your vehicle and subjust to a DUI? You would probably get hit by thousands of DUIS between LA and NYC.