
You’re ignoring the effects the asteroid will have on the biosphere in general, mass extinction would likely target larger animals just like it did with the dinosaurs. Unluckily, however, large animals could include Cows, Sheep and all the other animals we raise for meat. The same goes for horses which would wreck our

They’d look great in a comic book or a 90s cyberspace movie but yeah, if we’d got them in SS the CGI would probably made them look exactly how you’re describing.

Here’s the absolutely insane part.

No, rather our increased connectivity and our general disregard for privacy is making peoples dumb behavior more obvious. We’ve more exposure to dumb arguments and we are more capable of airing our dumb statements than in any previous generation.

Beginners guide to 4X:

All these people complaining they can’t envision a Star trek economy probably aren’t thinking hard enough, there’s a site somewhere online that makes a pretty good case for how it would work. Here’s my paraphrased/half made up/half remembered version of it.