
Sometimes starting with the "harder" language is a good idea too, depending on the person. For some, once you have something like C++ down, the next languages you learn are a bit easier to start.

The one you are most comfortable with that does what you want it to do.

What I typically do is answer the security question with something that's only vaguely related to the question, or is a weird string of words or references that nobody else would understand, let alone guess. I think of it kind of like another password.

If it happens once, sure, maybe.

I'm one of those people who, for a long time, wouldn't buy any music unless I got it right from the hands of the artist themselves (local bands, etc), but I haven't downloaded any songs in well over a year now. Once you find an easier and safer way to get what you want (which for me was streaming services), I have

It doesn't bother everyone, and that's fine, but some people would prefer to get it from the source first, and that's fine too.

Probably gonna receive some hate for this one, but religion in general pisses me off to no end. I do my best to let people believe whatever they want, but some of the stupid things people believe (and argue about) are just infuriating at times.


+a million for Fast and Furious series. Horrible movies in every way, as far as I care. I see the movies as being only about the cars, so if cars don't interest you, it's a waste of film.

I enjoyed the Telltale game, but just can't get into the show at all.

Something I think might make some sense, and I'd like to see a company try it, is to make their games library work kind of like Netflix, or a music streaming service.

They most certainly do. They charge overages, just like on cell phones.

Aaah, right. My bad.

The catch is that it's not occasional. They post (almost?) every one.

I'd imagine any rice cooker that's really worth breaking into would have more than 200 bytes of code in it. Then again, I guess a rice cooker wouldn't be worth breaking into in the first place.

I think I can live with the next-gen improvements slowing down, or maybe taking another direction. I say this from the point of view of not wanting to have to buy another computer or console to continue playing currently-released games.

Honestly, I gladly welcome incentives to actually buy a game. Why? Because piracy. Because if you don't convince anyone that their money is well spent, they wont spend the money, but will still want to play the game.

I can understand why some might disagree with the idea behind pre-orders, or even think they're somehow damaging to gamers or the industry, but to go as far as to call it manipulation is an exaggeration. People that buy into pre-orders know what they're doing, and do it by choice- and you're talking about people who

Nobody is being hostile about wanting women in the gaming industry. I'm sure that we want more women in the industry.

There are fewer women in the gaming industry because fewer women have an interest in being in the gaming industry. To call it anything other than that is to push an agenda.