
It matters in a sense that you have to separate practice from belief and identification. If you go to church because your parents told you to, and not because you actually believe in a god, then you're not really religious. Similarly, if you stop visiting the church but still believe that a higher power exists, then

There's no need to be defensive or aggressive here, this is nothing more than a conversation. Also, you didn't 'coin' the term assailant. That word existed before you used it.

There are no people with zero mental health issues. If you examine anyone thoroughly enough, you'll find some kind of issue.

I don't disagree with you on most of your points, but without knowing any more about the situation, I do think that the home could have still been defended either without shooting, shooting less shots, or by aiming to disable instead of kill.

Close enough- they both come with steering wheels.

I'd still prefer to see it on the actual site than here. I saw the thumbnail for this article and went there to read it first. It would be fine if only a few of the comics were posted here, the really notable ones, but not every one is notable enough to have to be parroted here every couple of days.

I would argue that "leaning the other way" is not the extreme- shooting someone is extreme. I read the article you provided, and at no point did it suggest that the lady was actually attacked, just that her home was unlawfully entered. Nobody bothered to question what he was trying to get from the house. Nobody

Wanting to believe =/= wavering in current beliefs. I want to believe I am rich. But I don't.

Note the quotation marks. No gun owner will self-identify as irresponsible, and you would assume the opposite until something happens to indicate otherwise. Same goes for sanity. It's a question of identification in situations that aren't black and white. No person is 100% perfectly psychologically sound, or

I'm all for things like this as an alternative to guns.

I don't really disagree with the individual points you've made, but I still think the overall purpose of what I said was missed. The goal doesn't have to be incapacitation, but rather a deterrent.

I have no idea what "Krav Maga" is. You've also notably defaulted to the term "assailant", where I never explicitly said that the crime being committed involved attacking anyone.

I had a long response to this, but I'm not going to bother, since I've said all of it before, and don't feel like going over it again.

Thank you for the least vague response so far. =)

I don't see Windows or OSX ever preventing you from running any random ol' software you want (Steam included). To do so would defeat the purpose of having a full modern operating system, and a step backwards for computing in general. It would alienate far too many potential customers. It makes me sad that it's even

I don't get what you mean by "potential [is] a completely different discussion". I'm talking about legit, working bands and artist who are as much a part of the business of making music as any so-called famous person. I am in this business. I have albums out, distribution deals, content on iTunes, etc. And hard as

Discounting every game that uses any form of quick time event is a pretty shallow way to look at those games. The events in games like Heavy Rain, the the Walking Dead are not just timed events, they are choices. The importance is on the fact that you are making a decision that influences the rest of the game, and

I wasn't sure how to interpret the "other storefronts" at first, but this seems like a brilliant idea.

How would a steam OS be any different than buying your games through current OS's app stores?

+1. I was gonna post this, but you beat me to it.