That’s one of my biggest problems with 1. Smash and 2. Zelda games. They’ll show a person as powerful or whatever in cutscenes and trailers and shit, but when it comes to the game they potato.
That’s one of my biggest problems with 1. Smash and 2. Zelda games. They’ll show a person as powerful or whatever in cutscenes and trailers and shit, but when it comes to the game they potato.
Oh no, I have. But she’s not SHOWN as that, she’s TOLD as that. Like that old writing addage, “Show not tell?” The only time Zelda does anything of mention is in the occasional cutscene. And that’s STILL just occasional.
So like, on the one hand, I’m hoping this is sarcasm.
Depends on the year, and the title, mate.
I mean, the series is named after Zelda though. So, while I agree, thus far it has been pretty much soley focused on Link and who he is as a person (not much other than swinging swords, which I’m cool with,) she’s been given lip service as to being just as, if not MORE important than Link, while never really being…
Incorrect. Nintendo hasen’t been “My Nintendo tm” since around the Gamecube. I’ve just been watching how they operate since then, because a lot of their games are legitimately good, they just treat their IPs like garbage. And Zelda (the character) has been getting the short end of the stick for like, what, 25 years?…
Yeah, I see little chance of that, too. But they’re going to have to start thinking about things like that. They’re archaic in their operations.
There isn’t one that I can think of, but Nintendo is going to have to start thinking of things like that soon. They’re really showing their age as a company.
It’s not really about playing as a female for me. I’ll play either sex. Nintendo just gives Zelda the short end of the stick in EVERY story.
I mean, I didn’t buy a Wii or Wii U. So there’s that.
And it’s going to be fucking brilliant.
I have really weird feelings about Keighley, but this makes up for like half of that.
As always, the internet is making much ado about nothing.
*Sees cell-shaded-like art style*
I mean, yes. You can google it and find them. It’s happened to me personally. It’s not hard to fix normally, but it’s a pain if you’re not paying attention.
+1 for reptile relationships. Snakes never liked me, but I have rescued some from really bad owners.
You’re really young if you think those are the first instances of “boop”ing that had a wide appeal. Either that or just tragically misinformed. Either way, not a judgement of your character, just your knowlage base.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
SF2 turbo was my first fighting game ever.
Buubi is Buu’s cannon wife. Also known as Mrs. Buu.