We need to start putting this in context for the taxpayers who fund the police.
We need to start putting this in context for the taxpayers who fund the police.
Cunt Powah!
Y’all rang?
It looks like any shop that sells furniture and/or home decor in the past 5-10 years.
There is some serious “Sex in the Saloon Brothel” realness going on here...did she consult with Miss Kitty?!? Fun fact: my all time fav color combo is red, black and white with a little gray thrown in from time to time. I don’t know how old girl did it...but somehow she managed to make this combo look tacky as…
I’m assuming that it’s like when people go to Waco to see Chip and Joanna Gaines’s silos. Gross.
She is insufferable. If I am ever unfortunate enough to find myself having to spend a night in wherethefuckever, OK, you can be damn sure I’m not paying $200+ a night.
If we need a new flashy girl from Flushing I suggest Awkwafina
CC and Niles as bitter, sniping divorcees is the way to go.
LOLOLOL and instead of passing on Cats because “It was singing pussycat people!” it can be “It was people talking very fast while walking around the White House!” or “It was doctors all having sex with each other and performing unrealistic surgeries!”
IDK, I like the idea of keeping him as a Broadway producer and using it as an excuse to have Broadway stars appear as themselves, or parodies of themselves (even tho that’s getting old). I feel like we’re at a point where there are a lot more Broadway stars famous to TV viewers outside of the northeast. They’re famous…
TV producer. Now he feuds with Aaron Sorkin and Shonda Rhymes.
Totally agree with this! Sometimes I catch re-runs and I find it just as entertaining. It’s like cotton candy and I love it. I also want CC and Niles to be hating each other and secretly banging.
The original holds up really well! They were all liberal and any “old fashioned” ideals were handled really well. My only critique would be that I don’t want to see CC and Niles as a happy couple. They would have to still be under the radar strictly banging and hating each other.
Good lord. It looks like wayfair vomited all over it.
When oh when will the barn door trend die? Especially barn doors over bathrooms? (No insulation...ick) I just know that people 20 years hence will be ripping them out like we rip out 90s soffits and paisley wallpaper.
Mrs. Fran Sheffield is a prominent socialite, who still nudges her husband endlessly, but now, rather than to meet celebrities, to get celebrities to perform at her benefits.
Especially since it did seemingly autocorrect Alisa Valdes’ name to Alias.
Yeah, um, how do I, um, get NARS to, you know, speak to my girlfriend?
Yeah, um, how do I, um, get NARS to, you know, speak to my girlfriend?