
There is no planet where Gawker won’t have a prejudicial judge and court room. The moral of this story is don't poke the bear when covered in honey. Hopefully in an attempt to round up money Gawker lets me fight Sargent. I'm willing to pay 1000 for three minutes. They can even stream it live.

I still love him, even if he knows dick about cat dick.

Why is he not running? Why??!! He would have made the perfect compromise candidate between Hillary and Bernie, at least in my head.

I am going to miss this presidential team so very, very much.

And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.

That court joke is goooooood.

I’mma suspend disbelief a bit and decide that Joe Biden came up with this himself.

The sound clip they played at the end reminded me of this:

The only year in grade school my mom bought me a generic trapper keeper instead of a mead I was sick as hell. Coincidence? I think not.

Regarding your first point, this is my all-time favorite quote regarding Libertarianism (to the best of my admittedly limited research the attribution is accurate)

I wonder at what point libertarians actually become crazy assholes. Like in paper “less government, more social freedom” sounds like a believable political idea. Did it just go off the rails at some point? Like Republicans used to be a real party. Then they adopted the Southern Strategy. Was there a similar path of

Why do libertarians hate combs?

Teri for president!

This explanation makes sense:

There IS a special place in Hell for women not supporting women. It's called Fox News. And it's a very bad place.

It feels really good to do stuff like that. I've done similar things myself- confronting street harassment, etc. But some men retaliate. There are some REALY fragile egos out there walking around with a deep sense of entitlement. It can get scary fast. Sometimes best just not to engage crazy.

“I’m voting for Hillary (with some reluctance) because I think she’s a battle-tested beltway beeyotch who can clobber Republican radicals.”

Okay, first, I love to see a line up of women in politics. We don’t have enough of those. You know what would be cool though? To do a monthly feature on a woman in politics. AND NOT JUST A WHITE WOMAN IN POLITICS, although those are fine, too. There are a lot of women of color getting shit done.

One time there was a trending twitter hashtag that was like “political sitcoms” or something and I came up with “Gillibrand’s Island” and I just feel like the internet has never given me enough credit.