Who are you again?
Who are you again?
It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks…
I would suspect Jalopnik would not link to a competitor
Same, Tracy and Torch were the only thing keeping this site in my daily rotation, so Jalop will be getting subbed out for whatever their next project is
Well, time to remove Jalopnik from my bookmarks. I’m looking forward to what you guys are up to next. And fuck Jim Spanfeller.
Will there be a Jalop article pointing us to where you two have gone, or do I just have to remember to google your names every few weeks?
Aww, for fucks sake. You are the reasons I come here!!
Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.
Are you more likely to lock the door and your keys inside the car or are you more likely to lock your phone and your keys inside the car?
The rise of the smartphone makes this a relic of a solution.
There’s still the occasional reason to not bring a phone/keys places (the beach, hiking, any rec league sport or group fitness thing)
Not if you want to lock both your keys and your phone in the car. Presumably to go skinny dipping.
Holy crap look at all the self-righteous assholes in here! I think the camaro looks great. Taking some turns too. NICE! What do they think those little reflectors are doing that your brake lights aren’t?! “Torch’ told me to hate on this. So I’m GONNA!! AGGHRR!”
Beautiful. I did the same to the back of my C7Z, and it looks great. To hell with all the bullshit hate from other commenters, I actually verified my reflectors still reflect despite the tint strip. Looks good during the day, still reflects light at night. Eff the haters.
It doesn’t get parked on the street anyways. My daily driver has unmodified lights (but it’s lifted and has bigger tires than factory.. which, if these replies are anything to go by, means I’ll roll over a group of school children and their box of kittens)
Not sure if anyone has said this before, but it’s okay to talk to people without being a dick to them and calling them names.
Down perishcope, shtarbord shixteen degreesh.