That's gotta sting.
Arizona version of "If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:"
I watched the video over and over, looking for something the driver might have done to provoke a response. Okay, he's in the left lane, but he and the car in front of him were passing slower traffic somewhat regularly and moving at a pretty good clip.
Sometimes when you ask for it, you get it. Oh well.
Keep that liberal Gawker navel-gazing bullshit away from here, please. I'm fully aware of its existence and if I'm interested in reading what they have to say, I am also capable of typing '' into my address bar. We do not need to see their crap on Jalopnik.
That article was the most one sided and offensive articles I have ever read. To simply allude that you either think that Zimmerman is guilty or you are "frothing racist" is utterly unbelievable. To suggest that I take pleasure in the fact that another human being is dead is repulsive. This type of reporting is exactly…
Why is this garbage being fed onto Jalopnik? Not only is it not car related, it's essentially an emotional rambling. There's nothing even remotely Jalopnik about the entire thing.
A former friend of mine was the biggest BMW douchenozzle ever. In high school he worked 2 jobs to buy his moms 325is coupe from her just to be like "yeah my first car is a bimmer", then when he lost said jobs and couldn't afford it and had to sell, all we would hear about is how "back in the day" when he had his…
This isn't one person, but a whole group. For some reason Ferrari owners do an amazing job of ruining Ferraris for me. Usually they're extremely snobbish, overprotective, and generally have way too much confidence in their own ability. At my previous job, I would often have to move around or deliver vehicles for…
Chrysler 300. Great car. Very well made, comfortable, lots of power and features at a good price. Only problem is every ghetto mother fucker that has either sold enough dope, pimped enough whores, sold enough stolen credit card info or stolen someones credit and managed to buy one, has one with chrome window trim, DUB…
I don't like Lamborghini cars for the fact that every Lamborghini owner I've ever met has been EXTREMELY gaudy and wore gold watches and rings and a red velvet shirt and has it buttoned down to show his grey chest hair.