
This. I guess the hipster stance is that we all hate MIA now for some arbitrary reason? This just reads like Hyden took that finger-flip a little too personally.

This is a very astute point, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus. I didn't hate the episode, but it was a mess; it felt tonally off and a bit desperate, but the good parts I enjoyed well enough. Definitely emblematic of late period Simpsons, though I have to say I've enjoyed more episodes this season than

Is Alcatraz worth going to? I live here, but I haven't been yet.

I'll get the pillow case if you guys get the bars of soap.

I've found myself driving behind a volvo with the license plate W8W8FAN heading home after work 3 times now. I keep trying to snap a photo with my phone, but so far it has only resulted in shoddy blurry photos and poor driving.

Paths of Glory is the best WWI film.

We love the new Spielberg movie, and here's why you should, too

Yes, it's supremely entertaining.

"it is as if I walk into a town, and 95% of the people talk about knowing
(or at least having some brief contact with) a guy named Tony, however
3% claim he absolutely doesn't exist, and 2% say they don't know if he
does: should I infer that he exists, and that I just haven't met him
yet; or should I infer that the

There really was a large faction of the internet that believed that Adriana had escaped somehow, but the only evidence I can recall being put forth was that it happened off-screen. I think maybe it was all the same people who insisted that the Russian who escaped had to be behind everything.

Yeah, I'm really glad I was watching this live when it aired. This episode felt like a monumental climax in the series. Adriana had been around since season 1 and her storyline as an informant basically started at the end of season 3. Watching her have to struggle with the double life for that long, and seeing the

::raise my glass::

Also an episode of American Idol once.

Good. I don't know who they were up against, but they deserved it.

She offered to cook him eggs too! That of course was her biggest mistake in this world.

Well Silvio whacked Jimmy Altieri and was there to help take out Pussy before, but I agree that it is notable that he is the one to take care of Adriana. Sil comes across generally as one of the "nicer" or at least more level-headed guys on Tony's crew, and because of this I think he's more likeable, but this serves

Drea De Matteo and Michael Imperioli give their best performances on the series in this episode. It's all so riveting - Adriana's exhaustion at the start, Chris' face as he realizes the enormity of what Adriana is saying when she's confessing, the choking and the despair afterwards, and of course the infamous car

Yeah Carmela definitely knows what happens to the people who just up and disappear from her life for "witness protection" or just running away. She's not an idiot, she's just willfully ignorant. It's her defense mechanism, a way to survive being married to Tony. She has to look the other way.

yeah, the great part about not seeing Chris tell Tony is that we're right there with Adriana, not wanting to believe what's going to happen, but with that horrible acceptance gradually dawning.
I love the use of Shawn Smith's Leaving California, first as part of the soundtrack of the episode in Adriana's fantasy, then

Hold up, you mean Louis CK didn't piss all over all of your faces? Oh, uh, well he didn't piss all over mine either. Excuse me, I have to go wash up now.