

I voted for Middleman because it's the clear underdog and more people should know about it.

"Last week, I said that Clay needed to die. This week, I’m not quite so
sure of myself. I can actually see a way this works where Jax chooses
not to use the syringe, deciding, despite the fervent wishes of both
women in his life, that maybe the club solution isn’t the best solution
in the end."

Yes. Semantic wankery is all this is. There's no there there.

Let's keep it simple, like a pimple, straight pop, base drop, ladies love us so they throwing off they tops

Unless everyone involved is familiar with Larry David's brand of comedy, isn't there a big risk that this episode could come off as incredibly offensive? And what with humor being subjective and regional…

Jet's death leads to one of my favorite jokes in Ember Island Players when after it's portrayed in the play, Zuko asks if that really happened and Sokka replies, "You know, it was very unclear."

< Beave

Dude, that's awesome. I used to love William Sleator! I think he was my introduction to sci-fi as a kid.

I agree that Brody's turn makes sense the way it was told and given what we know of his experiences, but I also agree with Todd that this episode was off. Isa's death should have been as strong an emotional hit for the audience as it was for Brody and it just wasn't. My reaction was, "oh ok, I get it," instead of

See, I've heard this before but I don't find myself rooting for Tony when he starts in on Janice. That scene has always struck me as a portrayal of Tony at his most blatantly petty and loathsome. Whether you buy Janice's transformation or not (and I do though I doubt it would have lasted for long), it is clear that

Yeah this is a top 10 episode for sure. The therapy stuff with Melfi is some of the best in the entire series, everything at the farm is gold, and this is definitely one of Aida Turturro's best episodes. Her scene at anger management is great; she doesn't get enough credit for being one of the funniest members of the

Also good,

And then when Sophia says, "What? Are you going to punch me?" I legitimately fear for her life.

Holy Shit! God Bless you Snoop. You are my hero.

Oh awesome! I had no idea that there were comics. Immediately added them to my shopping list. Does anyone know when Legend of Korra is supposed to premiere?

Depends on if they run an interview with Kermit that day. That'll knock it down a few grades.

Because this is the show the public deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

This seems as good a place as any to be a curmudgeon. Curse all you lucky people with families that you get to see!  Third year in a row I'm attending a makeshift "friend's thanksgiving." Bah.
Well at least there's no need to worry about family-friendly entertainment. It's all hardcore porn and lines of blow for me!

Yeah I've had a lot of fun playing drunken apples to apples. One thing I've discovered is that the Anne Frank card always wins, no matter what the description card is.