
Paul Scheer's podcast, How Did This Get Made, was really good this week. They watched The Room and had Greg Sestero on as a guest. He provided many really funny behind-the-scenes anecdotes. Also AVClub's own Steve Heisler was on it to talk about his obsession with the movie.

Good point Scrawler. Being a Twilight hater is fun and no less a valid stance than being into Twilight. Seriously, someone should write a For Your Consideration in defense of Hating, like maybe Todd who tore into Mario Lopez really well for that awful show H8ers.
And lest we forget, Twilight haters are the underdogs

"Mmmm, Brown. Heckuva school. Weren't you at Brown, Otto?"

yeah, my reaction to this entire article was, wait people still listen to the radio?

In the first few episodes, I noticed that I heard a person coughing in the audience. I found the moment somewhat charming because it is not a sound one would hear while watching any comedy with canned laughter these days, which is so produced and generic. It really added to the sense that I was watching a stage play.

I'm glad you guys are covering Cheers and the conversational format is a good one for this show, but the article feels a bit crowded. Everyone is insightful, but perhaps you might want to consider rotating writers from week to week, so that the length isn't quite so daunting and there is more cohesion to the reviews.

Folks, for my next totally outrageous campaign stunt, I will ride this
windsurfboard which is connected by a bungee cord to this monster truck,
which my friend Gandhi will drive back and forth on this half-pipe.
Just like the real Abe Lincoln would have done, had he the tools to do

Clue is in my top 10 favorite movies of ALL TIME, Will Harris. It's a phenomenal movie.

I too was affronted by that statement and was on the Internet within minutes registering my disgust throughout the world.

I agree. There were a lot of fun visual gags in this one and while I wasn't laughing uproariously at anything, I did find myself chuckling throughout. The story managed to sustain itself through the 4 acts and felt much more cohesive than other recent episodes.

I know about his background and I respect that he worked hard to get to where he is. I meant entitled in the sense of being a white man who has little understanding or empathy for people of other races.

I'm glad you guys agree. Anytime I've recommended that movie to someone I've gotten incredulous looks.

Looney Tunes Back in Action was a far far superior movie to Space Jam, Brenden Frasier's presence notwithstanding.

I'm with you Invisible Handjob. There's ostensibly some good performances and some interesting stuff happening on the screen, and I still tune in weekly but I'm not sure why. It's just not very engaging anymore. It's turned into one of those shows where I'm playing around on my phone half the time instead of paying

His deep-seated casual racism got to me after a while. There's only so much I could take before it became really grating. I used to think he was amusing, but now I kindof hated him. He's such a fucking entitled douchebag.

Aww, Marilyn Monroe again? It's been done. Waste of a real opportunity here. I mean, why bother? Honestly, I can't see myself masturbating to those more than once.

Fast Five was actually the best action movie I've seen in a long time, and easily the best big budget blockbuster I saw this summer. It's really dumb,  but also really damn likeable, and the action is incredible. Highly recommended.
And if you don't believe me, note 78% on Rotten Tomatoes.

The last one was on Oct. 24th, so it's been a while.

Hey whatever happened to the ratings report? Todd asked us if we would like him to keep it going, and most people agreed that he definitely should, and then he promptly proceeded not to.

Yes! One man's obsessive attempt to find Waldo in an increasingly populated but disconnected world, but he doesn't realize the answer has been staring him in the face all along. Where's Waldo, you ask? Inside all of us.