This art style has me feeling...conflicted.
This art style has me feeling...conflicted.
It is addressing different ideas. Specifically the ideas of a slimy bigot.
I’m sure the only 5 other people playing Battleborn will be elated to hear this.
It is on both iOS and Android
You can upload your iTunes or whatever libraries to the Groove Music service... So it’s not really a normal streaming service like Pandora, but YOUR ACTUAL MUSIC.
Pardon me, sir or ma’am, but you seem to have left your tin foil hat at home today.
I don’t like the religion-bashing comments in here, guys. The fact of this being brought to court is laughable, but it’s important to respect other people’s cultures, whether or not you agree with their religious beliefs.
As an atheist, I’d be better off if you stopped giving the rest of us a bad name.
It’s all live stage; no story-based/music videos. I believe it was made this way to support PS VR later instead of having crazy video transitions, but who knows Sega’s though process this time around.
Diva X completely did away with any kind of music video or story in the songs themselves. Some have nice filters over them (Patchwork Staccato is my personal favourite) but that’s all, really. It’s all dancing.
I kinda stopped reading when I found out he just recently put the proposal in there. Ruined it for me because as I started reading it I had thoughts that maybe he put the note in there 5 years ago figuring if they were still together after 5 years it’d be time to pop the question. That would have been fucking awesome…
watching the video really drills home that I’m paying $60 for 6 characters and a mechanics tweak. Normally I’m not one that has this issue with ASW games, but without an english dub I won’t bother with the story, and at that point all other care for single player is also gone. It’ll just be training mode, netplay, and…
I wish in instances like this (Game Adaptations e.g Danganronpa; Persona) the Anime would introduce a new story (for example new Characters in Danganronpa and new cases in Phoenix Wright) because I don’t really see the appeal watching an Anime that tries to cramp the more flashed out story which the games have time to…
The fact that it was in the comics does not make it any more logical (save for the logic of doing something stupid because the source material is stupid).
Well thats not an overreaction in the opposite direction at ALL.
Ah, the old “you’re just not smart or adult enough to handle it” defense. I also didn’t have a problem with seeing that kid get eaten (in fact I quite liked it) but the way it happened made no goddamn sense.
I know right! I am totally waiting for the world where we all agree on everything, that will be fabulous! It’s inconceivable that Rob didn’t like a thing you and your friends liked, we may need to have the FBI look into it or something.
Last week, I was able to watch an early screening of “No Way Out”, Sunday night’s mid-season premiere. Upon my first…