
You see how this whole article is structured, right? It begins - literally the opening sentence - by acknowledging this could be an “embarrassing gap in our knowledge”, then I repeatedly mock myself for reporting 23-year-old news throughout, and then finish by mocking us again by suggesting we’ll report on a Wii egg

I’ll own up to being the moron here. I’ve got over a 1,000 hours in the original Overwatch, and have played tons of Push matches now and it never occurred to me to do what the Genji did in that Twitter clip. All that prior OW time has primed me to stay on the damn objective.

Easy there dude - I’m just interpreting this sentence: “He seemingly reached for the side of his body where his gun was located in its holster, but it’s unclear what he was reaching for.”

In the spirit of discourse I’m curious about if others agree with the idea that — in general — swapping out the FEDRA scene for an infected scene also feels like a lost narrative/world building opportunity?

Uh... a VIDEO for The Week in Games? Big big nope. Just give us a list.

You’re RE⏩Cap

Seconded. The video player is painful and a slog to fast forward through.

Also, not only does the movie goes out of its way to show that Strange’s time with the Darkhold wasnt without repercussions (which I guess might be limited because Wanda destroyed it in the end), but it also makes it clear that every single Dr Strange that has used it in other universes was corrupted.

Captain Marvel was going to be my response, as well. Thanks!

I mean, this critique would probably have a lot more merit in my opinion if MCU’s answer to Superman wasn’t a woman? With a multitude of diverse women heroes taking up residence in phase 4, (literally nicknamed M-SHE-U), I think this is an unfair observation. It’s just not true. It sounds to me like you just don’t

just make a new ssx!

Read again.

No one asked for everything bad to be scrubbed. Thats a strawman you just made up yourself.

Guy who is definitely well-read on the police state just jumpin’ in to tell you copaganda is cool and has nothing to do with the police violence I am upset with. Culture and media have zero impact on the “reality rotting around” us. Sounds good!!!

Stop victim blaming someone who was killed by a negligent driver. Jesus christ.

Rainbow Six Extraction and Riders Republic are both slipping—the latter much more than the former

On the most uncomfortable seating option in the house.

I’m only about halfway through the game, but after seeing this list, I tried the rotgland lobber out of curiosity. It’s my favorite gun in the game so far. I used it exclusively on my run that killed the third boss, Nemesis, after having trouble on his third phase before. The damage over time made it SO MUCH EASIER.

This so much. Rotgland is one of the top weapons. Got overcharge artifacts? The single clip  and reload time has you executing those overcharge abilites almost every second. Without the trait that has trail in the name the projectile has homing. Charging the shot makes the range so insane you can just sit back on