tristan eldritch

I don't really think so.  If you watch Public Enemies it's the same thing - virtually no exposition or back-story.  I think Mann's idea - whether it works or not - is that digital movies should exist entirely in the present moment, so you have to try to catch up, and figure out the characters just based on what they

Both Vice and Public Enemies are brilliant experiments in expressionistic minimalism and digital immersion.  Mann is a more youthful and energetic filmmaker than many half his age.

Although my initial reaction to this was very negative, its grown on me a bit.  If you can get over the fact that Marr just ain't a vocalist, the songs are all sonically very well-constructed.  European Me and New Town Velocity perfectly re-capture his Smiths and Electronic period respectively, and a lot of the other

The lack of Lynch or Mann completely invalidates this list.  Heat and The Insider were easily two of the best American films of the 90s.

The lack of Lynch or Mann completely invalidates this list.  Heat and The Insider were easily two of the best American films of the 90s.

Viewers with the mental capacity of horses agreed it wasn't worth watching.

In a way, there's a kind of poetic justice in the fact that a show that was about luck and gambling went out the way Luck did - one episode in season 2 already in the can, the whole thing would have kept rolling if that horse hadn't freaked exactly at that moment - no telling what fortunes the show might have