Now this is a Point Break remake I could get behind.
Now this is a Point Break remake I could get behind.
Someone needs to make a Colonel Honey Hump vs Spermula fan film now.
I wish it was cool enough to be a meme, but really it’s just me being a weirdo. Basically it’s people saying obvious stuff that has been said a thousand times on a thousand message boards like its some profound statment(Superhero comics never really change, companies do stuff to make money, etc.) and then wait for the…
To be really fair, movie money and real money are not the same thing.
Yeah, the characters worked as these weird side characters in Fantastic Four, but asking them to stand in for the X-Men is just bad all around.
My mistake. I did not notice that you regurgitated my original post, so everything is in working order again. I just worry about you generic stock internet commenters sometimes. One day you will have to have an original thought about something and then what will happen?
To be fair, no incarnation of kinja(no matter how horrible) has ever lost them upwards of 60 million dollars.
Stock internet nerd commenter is angry! Let this be a lesson to me to never interrupt the regurgitation cycle, lest other people’s worn out opinions gum up the works and make them irritable.
Listen, I’m sorry! I’m sure you thought your tired, stock internet argument was something original and worth saying. I should not have said anything. Don’t feel bad. Just use another stock internet argument!
I’m sorry, I got in the way of you educating everyone on how big superhero comic book companies say that they are changing everything and then don’t change anything at all. A new and important line of thinking that I nearly messed up being stupid. My apologies.
I don’t know man, the definition seems to fit. If nothing else, you got the “even less thought” part down pat.
Ha, because you’re an old guy and all the new fangled newness of stuff is just cluttering your lawn. That’s great. Because what every thread about comics in 2015 needs is someone complaining about something from the 1980s. I feel fulfilled.
It is the hottest of hot takes. The fact that you don’t see it drives it up to Blazing status.
Trying to focus group the Inhumans into being a thing is never going to work, I don’t care if you call them the New Amazing Spectacular Invincible Inhumans and drop a new #1 every month. I’m not even a huge X-Men fan and it is starting to irritate me.
Hot Take bro.
Yeah, It was a nice thought. Maybe they will go for broke and Godzilla will finally meet this guy:
If the shared enemy is Ghidorah I would die of happiness.
Double Post.
This is amazing! I love the utter ridiculousness of the original fight and look forward to them meeting again. But to make it work, in Skull Island the Kong they introduce will have to be 300-400 feet tall. I’m interested to see how that works.
I had managed to forget how truly, stunningly awful The Happening was before watching this. It was not so much that the movie is bad(it truly, truly is), but how embarrassing the whole thing is.