
The Joe Biden of ten years ago, but not the Joe Biden of today. His advancing age is painfully evident. I will vote for him if he is the nominee, but I don’t believe he is up to the demands of the job.

I know it’s hard to believe, but they make these things called tables, specifically for eating. Not only are they easy to eat on, but they are easy to clean afterward. They even have covers you can buy for them making the process even easier.

I know it’s hard to believe, but they make these things called tables, specifically for eating. Not only are they

I encourage everyone to take a break from Twitter.

I don’t have much that could even be considered repro MCM, but it sure seems like it would be easy to keep clean: flat surfaces, simple lines, minimal ornamentation, lots of hard surfaces. A quick swipe of a dusting implement, a quick vacuum of the upholstered pieces, and voilà!

No amount of vascular fuckery can accomplish this feat, because capillaries are way, way, way too small to sew onto other capillaries. Imagine cutting a single strand of human hair and trying to sew it back together. Except - surprise - capillaries are 1/10th the size of a human hair. That’s why it’s impossible, and

How is this a moral debate? This is a proposal to legally mandate something that is scientifically and medically impossible. 

We give each kid a plate and walk through the lineup of food with them and put on whatever they ask for... plus at least one vegetable that doesn’t have marshmallows on them.  After that, seat them at the kids table and don’t worry about them for the rest of the meal, other than have them clear their dishes.

He signed up for a little light corruption and a slushfund for champagne and hookers expenses, not for high treason.

Homeowners Associations are the absolute worst of the ever-expanding demographic of “people with too much time on their hands.”

I’ve lived in a variety of cold places (northeastern US, north Idaho, North Dakota) and find the temperature rating system on LL Bean pretty accurate. Eddie Bauer’s is not.

I’ve lived in a variety of cold places (northeastern US, north Idaho, North Dakota) and find the temperature rating

I don't even think she comes off particularly angry!  She is emphatic and uncompromising but seems optimistic and energetic to me.  Angry is not a word i would have come up with for her at all.

I, for one, am shocked that stuffing a man-made object into your body can be potentially harmful.

Well that’s a pretty lousy thing to say and not constructive at all. I’ve never said that nor heard anyone that has multiples say that. That being said, If you think that having 1 baby has the same level of complexities as having 2 babies, you are incredibly naive.

As Douglas Adams would remind us, having a towel on your person at all times is generally a good thing.

If someone feels attacked by a note calling out rapists, perhaps some self-reflection is in order...?

When someone makes the personal choice to eat red meat, drink caffeine or use certain shampoos, they’re not invading my personal space or inflicting harm directly on me. When someone smokes or vapes and blows that shit in my face, they do. It’s not rocket science- smoking and vaping are personal choices that you

All of these “I love my vape” articles read like a parent using reverse psychology to keep their kids from smoking them.

“Hey honey, aren’t these vape pens dope and fresh? They’re really in fleek right? Do you guys still say fleek? Vape pens are in fleek.

It’s working. I’ve never wanted to vape less.

This is not the hill you need to die on or maybe you will with your bubble gum flavored vape pen clutched in your cold lifeless hands. Good luck.

While it’s not great that teens are somehow getting their hands on Juuls and using them to vape off-brand Mocha Pumpkin Spice