
When you’re going 1-1 in a school district with thousands upon thousands of students, standardization is key. You can’t bulk-order off of e-bay, most school districts get Chromebooks for under $300 with Ed pricing, and there isn’t a school tech department in the country with the staffing to log and configure thousands

I would actually say: don’t.

Sex workers are essential?  WTF?

Magna tiles have horribly weak magnets. It will not work at any decent speed.

Magnatiles usually cost around $1 each. Masking tape is $4 a roll, and will not fall off if you hit a bump. I’m going to stick with tape (pun, fully intended)

My job is actually encouraging people to take vacation days. But it’s just as much for business reasons as it is for the employees. Basically they don’t want to have everyone wanting to take vacation time at the same time once we’re finally allowed to go places during our vacation time. So it’s in their interest that

Why did the important medical facility not insist the dimwit comply with the stated mask policy? Why was the dimwit allowed to walk about, unmasked?

I wear light makeup for work zoom calls and try to make sure I washed my hair that morning. It’s partly because I want to look somewhat professional and partly I find seeing my own face for an hour at a time very distracting and sometimes upsetting.  If a little lip gloss eases things, why not?  It also feels a little

How to Disinfect Your Bags

At this point, we’re all washing our hands for the allotted 20 seconds (right?) and cleaning the surfaces in our

I can only speak for my students, but they don’t learn well independently. It’s hard for me to sympathize with since I have always been bookish, but a lot of kids can’t read something, internalize it, and learn from it. They need reinforcement through discussion and lectures and activities in the classroom. You can

I won’t disagree with you, because I think it may greatly depend upon what level of student you are teaching.

I am a high school math teacher, and I don’t think many of the kids in my class for struggling students are getting much support from home except for parents asking kids to stay on top of what I provide (which

Excuse me? To say that the parents are just facilitators in this is like saying that text book publishers are the real teachers in school. Teaching is passing the information on to someone in a way they understand and learn. I’m doing more than facilitating when I am explaining what’s going on and making sure they get

Ok no no no. Listen, the problem is not the delivery room, that's fine, whatever. The problem is when you're in the hospital day or two for recovery. You really rely on your partner to help with the baby at that time. The nurses are in and out but the baby is in the room with you, they dont take them down to a nursery

Not only is justice better served by life in prison, but it’s cheaper too. Hammer that point in Republicans’ faces, because they’ll never abolish the death penalty on humanitarian grounds. 3 hots and a cot for 50+ years is cheaper than the court costs associated with bringing a person to the execution chamber.

I really hated that people were comparing the diaper change to breast feeding. It is NOT the same! Breastfeeding your baby at the restaurant table - completely normal and fine! Changing their diaper there? Disgusting, rude, and completely unsanitary! Changing the baby on the floor not as big of a deal obviously but

You are missing an important question:

Please, Jezebel, stop your war on women. 

Jezebel just keeps getting trashier. 

How cheaply did Trump sell unlimited access to Saudi Arabia, the Muslim country that keeps attacking us? Is it envelopes of cash to creepy Jared or is it blackmail? Maybe both.