
Yeah. I love seeing Yinzer slang on non-local media.

If you have little kids, don't forget the Amazon Mom/Prime discounts. The extra 15% off diapers and wipes pays for the prime membership if you've got one kid in diapers.

I've loved Shush! for well over a year. I'm surprise Lifehacker is just featuring it now.

You often can't separate the prenatal care. My OB/GYN office basically "packaged" the prenatal care with the delivery. We paid them $500 up front — the amount of my deductible — and I believe the rest was covered by my insurance. But all the testing was billed through the hospital, so that and the hospital costs were

We proudly call it slacker parenting. See also, free range parenting.

Is it something about cats with black and white harlequin fur. Mine was just like that.

Yeah, Americans will go abroad to adopt a non-African-American child. Meanwhile a modest number of African-American babies are adopted by people in other countries.…

Think of the children?! Children are actually the reason I don't get nearly enough sleep. There's just so much I can't do while they are awake, that I live for those moments when they are asleep. So I stay up to have time to clean, read, etc., and then the little buggers are up way early.

Fat nudist. That's the answer.

There's a lot of variance in how much somebody of a given size weighs, even at the same height.

Hey, I know what would be a good writing assignment. Let's have everybody write a manifesto to justify shooting up a school.

At the hospital where I gave birth, the birth mother could have up to 4 people in the delivery room with her (on top of hospital staff). At labor triage, the laboring woman is given four security cards. Without one, even the dad/partner doesn't get into the L&D wing. I'm glad that was the system. And I'm sure the

About 1 in 3 pregnancies in the US ends in major abdominal surgery. At some hospitals in the country, c-section rates are approaching 50%. Vaginal delivery ain't no picnic either (though recovery from my first took much longer than the second).

In my opinion, registries exist for the aunts and uncles who don't want to have to think about what you might like or need. When we got married, I considered creating a registry a very low-priority task. People can just chose their own gift, right? WRONG. Oh, the hell I received from family members. In the end, I

I never understood why they need to examine you so often to get BCPs. Especially now. Plan B is OTC and its the same ingredients as many BCPs.

This is completely appropriate and I'm not sure why anyone would snark about it. 1) It's a non-profit, not a government enterprise. Anyone who gives to this non-profit chooses to do so. 2) If the alternative is stressing existing animal shelters and animal foster organizations, it makes a lot more sense to help

Twins! I can well imagine it takes a little longer for everything to get back it shape b/c it had to stretch more.

Breastmilk yogurt instructions abound on the Interwebz. I never had enough extra to try.

Dont knock the UK. It's true that in the US, this woman would probably not been "allowed" to go so far past her due guesstimate, and its true that she may have been given an ultrasound and encouraged or bullied into have a c section. That's how maternity care rolls here. But the UK has a different approach and they

Not to mention that some psych meds (like zoloft) transmit in breastmilk in such infinitesimal quantities that they have trouble detecting them.