
A couple of calls a week, and she doesn't want to tell them what the correct number is? Somehow I think she does have moral objections to sex work, she just doesn't want to feel bad about her moral objections.

exactly! Gosh, I'm such a good wife/girlfriend this way. I don't withhold sex when I'm upset with him or we're having some dumb argument, or whatever -mostly because I can't. My husband can hold out for months, just to make a point. I cave within a day.

Since it's often to be like that, what with "disclosures" and covering one's liability and whatnot, I'd recommend everyone do what I do - say so right up front in the relationship. In the wedding vows, if possible. But otherwise, it's all implied.

I think that the fidelity requirement inherent in most marriages also involves a clause that says, if you're not allowed to screw around, then I will be the one to provide your sex. I know I'm mostly alone in this among women, but that's the way I feel, and if you cut me off, then you're telling me you're not going to